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❝Hear my sinner's prayerI am what, I am

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❝Hear my sinner's prayer
I am what, I am.❞



EVERYTHING SEEMS TO FALL to place, when he is by my side. It has been only hours since I last saw him, yet, it feels like eternity, and when  he pulled into his arms—I realized that I was finally at home. His scent, engulfed me; it greeted me in ways I could never fathom, while his eyes, they paralyzed me and, made me forget all that I wanted to say to him. God—I felt drunk, even though I wasn't.

“Are you nervous?” Jimin asked me, gently holding my chin between his fingers, as I sighed meeting his dark eyes.

“Should I be?” I chose to ask, as a weak smile spread across my lips, glancing at my face he chuckled magnetically. And I felt my heart being seized at the sound of it. His laugh was contagious, it had an affect on me that; I was beginning to understand.

“Be at ease,” He whispered as he touched my cheeks, then soothed his thumb down the line of my jaw,“To anyone who harms you, will not live to see another sunset.”

As my heart pumps faster in my chest, at a mind-boggling speed my hands grow cold as my mind turns into a whirlwind of emotions, and a lot of other undefined passing thoughts. I didn't dare look at him again, not until the car came to a halt. Blinking, I heaved a heavy sigh as he stepped out of the limousine first, not long after that I was by his side again. My skin tingles at his nearness, as fireworks start to spark down my whole body when he puts his hand on my waist, guiding me towards the huge entrance.


      Many heads turned around, many eyes stared, many whispers were passed as we made our way further into the grand hall, his hand that was resting on my waist has now interlocked our fingers, tightly clutching my hand, he kept me alert though somehow, I felt more assured to hold his hand. Many particularly stared, at our linked hands with interest, some stared stared out of bewilderment, while some were still trapped in a state of daze—many however were brave to not hide their envy.

At this  my heart felt like it was floating, I could not tell what was happening around me, or were my feet still on the ground, as we made our way towards a small crowd of people. My eyes turned to stare at the charismatic man beside me, as he clenched his jaw settling his face into a stone, the smile that he wore was now nowhere to be seen. And the fact that he did it so naturally, is what baffles me.

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