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❝Now my life is sweet like cinnamon, like a fucking dream I'm living in

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❝Now my life is sweet like cinnamon, like a fucking dream I'm living in.❞



THE TENSION AROUND the house was palpable. Almost past noon it was when I finally to decided get back, one thing that most surprised me, was that there were no servants, except for the security guards and few of my father's trusted bodyguards. Praying a silent prayer, hoping my father has not decided to start one of his many melodramas again. And his targets would always be my brother, my mother or me. Apparently I was the most talked topic, even if I don't do anything wrong my father would find ways to drag me into it. My lovely half-sister she was a saint. The only thing she knew was to play piano and always be first in everything.

But the truth is there are no saints, alive or dead, who've not committed a sin.

                “Is this how you pay me? You worthless excuse of a man,” My eyes widened as I swallowed hardly and rolled my eyes, dropping my purse down on the side table that nearly knocked over an antique vase,“I raised you, I clothed you, and gave you the best education. How can you think that  you would dishonour me and my legacy in this way?”

Jesus, father swear knows how to yell. I think my ears might be bleeding now.

Swallowing hardly, I leaned against a wall and listened, trying hard not to laugh. When I hear my father's vicious mistress Risa plead once again in an ear piercing voice,“Richard-sama he's a child, Gabriel probably was just having fun.”

           “Fun? Does he even have time to have fun? When he opened that club I thought he finally was getting serious but he forget it— not happening in my house, pack your bag Gabriel, I've had enough—” And that is when I decided that I listened enough, no one gets to treat my brother such way.

Taking a deep breath, I composed myself and stepped ahead, walking down the similar hallway. The warm breeze hits my exposed neck as I inhaled sharply, startled to find my brother kneeling on the floor, my father was standing two feet away from him, while Risa stood beside my beloved father clutching his arm. My mother was the first who noticed me, her eyes wavering with a warning, but I shook my head noticing the tears, that glittened as she lowered her gaze, avoiding to meet mine. I stiffened when I walked to stand behind Gabriel, pulling him to stand on his feet.

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