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❝We both drowned under the waves of words, we weren't saying

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❝We both drowned under the waves of words, we weren't saying.❞



THE ONLY THING THAT COMES TO MY MIND when I wake up in a cold, empty bed with a gut twitching headache, is that some nightmares don't end when you wake up, reality is far worse. It took me few minutes, to get use to the dark as I tried focusing on what woke me up in the first place, though it wasn't so hard especially when you've crazy excuse of adults screaming down stairs. I am not even surprised considering the amount of time I'm not at home, yet all this wild screaming still doesn't surprise me at all. In fact it only frustrates me more, when few minutes went by and nothing ceased.

Enough-was-enough I need to know what's going on. Also after all that, soap tragedy going on in my life right now I could really use some entertainment, entertainment that involves my father, oddly enough his once in awhile breakdown always are a delight. Satisfyingly enough for me to relish my extreme, obnoxious appetite of watching him loose his temper. It's almost close to a real life circus.

I wonder who is the culprit behind this havoc this time. Not that it's any of my concern.

"She's an adult, Richard-" Risa began to speak but stopped in between when she descended down the stairs, in all my glory with a radiant smile dangling upon my lips, as her expression turned sour when my father angrily pushed her hands away from him.

“You don't get to say this, Risa. It's past midnight and nobody knows where the hell our daughter is? God forbids if something happens to her,” my father speaks, in a deadly cold tone as I find myself leaning against the banister just for moral support because all this was too much for me.

         Well, Yura is just fifteen a little too young to be staying out this late, as I thought about that it occurred to me, that this was possibly the first time I've seen my father act concerned about any of his children. I mean, Yura was obviously his favourite, but he never was this angry, I mean he almost dislocated Risa's shoulder when he moved her away from him. I wish mother was here to see this, if only she wasn't so pent up about her trip to Mali for work.

“We should call the police,” Gabriel suggested. I groaned visibly, annoyed with his all too somber solution, knowingly perfectly well father would never agree to that. He hates public humiliation, especially when it involves either of us, doing something that can damage his reputation. Might I remind you a reputation full of dirty sex scandals, mistresses and known for being an ass.

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