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❝They all think I have it all
I'm nothing, without you.❞


        “Wake up,” Jimin's soft voice reached my ears, making a cold chill to travel up my spine. Refusing to open my eyes, I snuggled deeper into the warmth of my pillow, as he ran his fingers through my hair.

                      “Rose—”I could feel his hands reach under the covers for my body, as he turned me around, groaning I rubbed my face against his arm; as he gently, moved my hair, not letting it cover my eyes.

                 “Wake up, Rose I need to show you something,” Jimin murmurs, his warm breath falling against my flesh as I peeked open my eyes upon hearing his words.

               “Now? Do it in the morning,” I groaned frustratingly, as he pulled the covers off my body.

             “Morning is for people, who have ridiculous ambitions,” he spoke, in a firm, clever tone,“Night, is for dreamers.”

His hands holding my face. And he looked at me. Feeling uneasy, to be under his scrutiny, I held above the covers to my chest.

“What?” I asked, he was examining me as if he wanted to catalogue my every feature.

                     “I am strangely, for some unknown reason getting used to you,” he murmured, and I felt my heart threaten to combust. He had the most winsome smile. 

   “Thats good. Because I'm not leaving any soon,” I stated, as his eyes darkened, his lips twisting into a wicked grin, as he brought my hand to his face, he lets it stay there for a few seconds before kissing and letting it go.


It only took me fifteen minutes to shower and then to get dressed into my old clothes, one thing I've come to realize I really needed to bring some clothes with me the next time I decide to spend a night here. Jimin has not said anything, as we sat in the car.

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