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There's two of us
We're certain with desire
The pleasure's pain and fire.❞


THE NEXT EVENING I stood in front of the vanity driving fingers through my wild blonde hair I smiled unconvincingly. Heaving a sigh I set down the crystal glass bottle of the scented lotion down on the vanity as my eyes twice stole glances at Martha who was standing right by the foot of my bed giving me judgemental stares. Satisfied with my appearance I made sure to put some strawberry lip-balm on my lips. One look and you would say that I looked presentable but the other that this was yet another scandal in the heat of erupting.

Scooping up my jacket and purse, I pressed my lips thinly as I stared at the young woman in front of me.

“Ms. Rose please be home before 10 I can lie to Young master Gabriel but never your mother she—” smiling apologetically I placed both my hands on her shoulders and made her turn around.

“You don't have to lie to her, Martha just tell her that I'm out—on a date with Jeon Jungkook.”

I know for a matter of fact that was a lie but I couldn't bring myself yet to reveal it to my mother that her perfect dream of my love-life was shattered just because of a man who was too much of a coward to accept me for who I truly was.

Martha's brown eyes lost their glint as even she knew well is a lie, I turned my back to her as I wandered my eyes around the larger empty corners of my room in search of my car keys.

“Young Master Jeon is a very nice man, I don't know why you refuse to let the poor man another chance. This life of yours for christsake is too precious, Ms. Rose,” by the time she was finished I feathered a shuddering cold breath and turned briskly around to face her.

“Just as you said Young Master Jeon is just nice—I don't want that.”

My voice bitter, cold and so very distant as I stepped out of my room, the keys in my hand made a jingling noise that caught the attention of Jungkook who was at the couch in the living room boring his eyes on a clear magazine on photography that rested upon his lap, taking notice of my outfit his eyes turned into a full moon  glare while he stood at his feet.

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