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❝ too shy to saybut I hope you stay

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too shy to say
but I hope you stay.


MY HEART POUNDING in my chest, my eyes blinked twice as struggling to hold back my breath, I stumbled backwards. Dylan's arms still around my waist his face showed amusement and excitement but I was beyond it, anger rushed through my veins with blood smearing in my vision I pushed him back and took three steps forward walking towards Jimin, our eyes met but he was the first one to look away, I felt bad like really bad, not knowing what to say or do I just let him leave just like that.

             “Rose, I didn't mean,” Dylan began to speak but I stopped him, turning away from him I walked away.

There was just no point in staying here, tonight just proved that no matter how hard I try to save something that is the only good thing in my life I would ruin it.

Walking, with long strides towards my car I stopped dead in my chase when I caught him standing by my car waiting for me, with his hands in his pockets and his head bowed low, he glanced upwards finally eyes locked with mine, his face showed no sign of anger just dire exhaustion, my eyes gleamed with tears as with no thinking I ran right into his arms, putting all of my weight over him, I finally did closed my eyes and sighed with such relief.

“I thought you left,” I murmured softly looking into his dark brown eyes, my  heart melted when a smile erupted his features and he leaned in brushing his nose against mine.

“How could I when half of me was still there?”

Heat rushed through my cheeks, my eyes they flickered upwards and blinked with the beat of my rapid heart beat. I was having a hard time breathing, so I leaned my head against him and closed my eyes.

“I am sorry for kissing someone,” his eyes formed a glow as he clenched his jaw and nodded curtly.

When he said nothing I continued to talk,“I think I like you too much to stay forever mad at you, Park Jimin and I think we both know it when we fight I would always be the first one to say sorry.”

      “But that's isn't good I want you to stay mad at me, I want you to act different ways with me, because all your moods and all your anger I want to be the one who causes them. Those women there aren't you, Rose,” his hot breath shudder against my face, his fingers digging deeper into my scalp before I placed a hand over his hand and palmed it.

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