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❝We live as ghosts among these streets

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❝We live as ghosts among
these streets. ❞



SOMETIMES I WISH HOW easy life would've been, if everything, every problem was as clear as water. Nothing, to be wrong or right, nothing evil. What, a shame all my mournful thinking as a little sweet maiden, have been dumped, thrown far. Where it is forever to be forgotten, because nothing in life is going to give my heart any rest, not until I have my sweet revenge.

“Looking at it won't make the pictures disappear, dear Yura,” My voice, rumbled  hauntingly in the quietness of the room, when I stepped in. My heels clicking soundly against the cold marble as I stood, staring down unfazed by the heated glare the young, and very naive girl presented me with. Her eyes shook with anger, frustration, before a defeated sigh escaped her lips as she threw the magazine at me but before it could touch even an inch of my face, I clutched it, my nails digging deeper into the glossy paper as I laughed.

“You did this,” She gasped, staring at me with shock confusion, as she placed a hand against her mouth. When instead of denying anything, I stare right back at her,“Why me?”

Now that was a stupid question. But I don't let that get into my head. Instead, I take in every little detail of her devastating face, in triumph. Never have anything felt so divine as now. This was it, now I know why people love power, control.

“Don't ask me why, because you know very well that you, and your mother deserve, everything that is happening to you,” Crossing my arms over my chest, as I stared back at her, as she drags an arid breath, shivering with unease when I lean forward, clutching the magazine I place it right against her face, as she stills, “You are going to learn how to bend your knee, because I don't forgive easily. This could've been different, if you didn't join hands with your mother in ruining me.”

“I don't understand, I just——” She began to speak, her voice timid and miserable just like her composure as I exhaled, intensely.

“Then understand. You know what you did, it was you who always told father where I am, and whom I am with, all those years you didn't hesitate. Then why should I?”

Her eyes snapped, and her breath fails as I pull her roughly against myself for a brief moment before shoving her back with force. Shutting her eyes close for a second she looked away as I step back.

“What do you want from me?” She asked suddenly. My mind buzzed with far too many thoughts to deter, anything comprehending at the moment, as I stalked turning to face the door, when I heard footsteps approaching.

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