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❝My mind forgets to remindme you're a bad idea

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❝My mind forgets to remind
me you're a bad idea.❞



LIFE IS STRANGE.  AND SOMETIMES it's too unrealistic. When you take a step ahead into a life; you thought was too perfect to be true, you expect it to meet your expectations. As time goes by and you slowly begin to enjoy the wonders that it offers, you feel alienated, miserable and often find yourselves caught up in complicated situations.   But, maybe life isn't meant to be perfect, or reasonable. It just has to be the way it is.

Also, how often do you remember the feeling when you felt like the world was too big for you? Because that's how exactly I felt as; I walked out of that room, in front of all those people,  same people who believed in me as an unworthy woman, a shame and an abomination. But, turns out jokes on me I'm a clown.  The most stupid clown, who got played so very easily.

Brought exclusively to feed their ignoble desires, I wasn't even wanted. I was a mere pawn in their game of monopoly. Fucking bastards. I thought as I let out a frustrated exhale, refusing to turn around and wait. The more I thought of what happened the more angrier I felt, my eyes quivered as my breath quickened when I felt the touch of his skin against mine as Jimin pulled me back into his arms, wrapping his hands around my waist he turns me around as, I bite my lips trying to shake the shiver, spreading throughout my body.

“Rose—” that's was it. The way his eyes glanced at my face, as I looked up at his face, inches away from mine, I felt my breath abandoning my chest. My heart raced and my hands trembled when I timidly laid them against his broad chest, and simply freed myself from his hold.

I was done. I am not going to cry and pour my heart out for him. But I needed to let him know I was hurt, which is why I am going to do something which I'll probably regret later. But who was I kidding, I have a reputation of making bad decisions and he turns out to be one of them.

“Stop right there,” I spat out harsher than I intended to do, as I stagger back  holding my hands in surrender as he tries to pull me back again,“I am not going to this with you, Park Jimin. I can not okay? So, just for once listen to me, you've done something which has ruined whatever this was between us. Fuck, wait there wasn't even anything to begin with? Am I right?”

“No that's not true,” he murmurs, sounding offended, as I groan frustratedly fisting my hair as my eyes recklessly wander across the room that we were in together. A moment later, just when I thought that he was done he once again steps closer, and this time he takes my face into his hands and quietly utters,“We were real, Rose.”

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