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❝Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything?❞

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❝Wasn't it beautiful when
you believed in everything?❞



“Will you actually tell me what happened?” I questioned, sitting down on the chair I've just pulled. Gabriel's eyes wavered, staring up at my face. He gulped, nervously before pulling his hand out of my hold.

“I am fine,” He replied, curtly.

Wait, what was that? What actually was that? Ignoring, the tone of his voice, I placed my hand over his face, as he stiffened under my touch. I waited for a few minutes, for him to say something when he didn't, I sighed and held his face between both my hands, and made him look at me.

                    “You don't need to worry about anything, Gabriel. I'll take care of it, everything. I'll show them that they can't bully us this way. I won't let them hurt you, or mother anymore,” I said, pressing my thumb underneath his black-eye, as he hissed gritting his teeth.

“Rose, you don't know what you're saying—” Gabriel, trailed off pushing my hands away from his face, as I fell back against the chair. Staring upwards at his face wistfully. I knew it, he wouldn't understand. But he was Gabriel, he was the good one. And I?

I was the damned child, a disgrace. That always managed to bring shame to our family. But, even though I was hard to understand. My brother, he never failed to understand me. He knew me, he knew the real me. Yet, now it felt like, he wasn't here with me, he belonged to those people outside.

“Gabriel—I,” he cut me short with a terse. His eyes flaring up at my face.

“Whatever is it, that you think you're doing, or going to do I ask you to stop. This is our family, our father. You can hate him, and I would not stop you from that, but this wicked thinking of yours needs, to be stopped. Because it's scaring me, seeing you become something—vile.”

He was defending them, he was defending our father and, in doing that, he tortured my soul.


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