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❝ I know heaven's a thingI go there when you touch me

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❝ I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me. ❞



THE NIGHT WAS YOUNG, THE WIND WAS WILD, and at last I felt like I was free, released. There was no notion in this world as deep as the one I'm feeling right now, I was amber, burning bright at every glance at every touch, at every breath, my hands were cold yet my blood ran warm, warmer than the blood that I saw on the floor today. Someone was killed. And I might be the reason behind it. As that thought reached my head, I felt more sick than ever before. What have I done?

“Stop the car—”My voice was quiet like a whisper, my hands were shaking as I felt the weight of the night pulling me down. I tried to open the window, to breathe in the fresh air but soon there were hands, pulling me back, gripping my body with frevor as I gapsed falling against the chest that caged me, arms surroundded me and I felt like I was being held a captive.

God—what's happening to me?

          “Rose—look at me, damn it just breathe, I've got you darling, just breathe for me,” That's when I heard his voice, felt his touch. Park Jimin. That's right I left the gala with him, he was there. He took me away. Sheilded me. It's as if he knew. Turning to look at him, I raised my eyes, and stared as far deep into his eyes as I could. In search of the truth, why was he here? What does he want from me. Why is he always there?

“You’re supposed to let go of me, leave me, Park Jimin.”

Grunting, he sharply exhales his breath a feather like touch against my skin,“I’ve tried it's hard. There's too much agony in it. A life without you. ”

“Don't say it. Don't mean it. Forget me. Forget useven though it's hard. You and I, Park Jimin we don't belong in the same world.”

His eyes fall upon my lips, they linger a little longer than necessary before he tersely let's out,“Stop the car and get out. ”

It didn't take long for the driver to do exactly as he was asked. Sudden, it was that I find my  heart was a wreck. We were alone now. The two of us. Alone in this car. So near. So close. I tried to move back, to create some distance between us, but he didn't let me, pulling me further close I  melt into his embrace, Park Jimin caged me. Crushed me,  so close to his chest that I could hear it, his feverish heart.

         “You think this is a game, Rose? I don't want you, I'm just toying with you? I'm not—I am not like all the other men in your life, I'm not your father, I'm not him,” he spoke, his voice full of timber and dark emotions, as he held my face, desperately leaning close,“Use me. You can have your revenge. I will be your sword, your weapon if you want me to. But don't ask me to forget you, to forget us ever again. ”

“Park Jimin——”my voice a desperate plea it was weak. I long for many things. one of them was forever in his arms,  and I know that it was going to destroy me,“There will come a time for us. But right now it's not that time. ”

“You're leaving me?” He asked. My chest aches as my heart yearns.

“I never stayed—” It was cruel, but I knew it needed to be said, this game of push and pull was hurting us both.

I watched for a moment it felt like he stopped breathing, pushing me away taking away his arms he moved away, drawing space between us, just like it was supposed to be. He looked at me, gravely. His hair was a mess. Sitting there under the pale moonlight shining into the car he look more beautiful to me than ever, he was electric. Magnificent.

That serene peace only lasted for a minute, before his fingers were wrapped around my throat and he was gripping me more harshly than ever, I felt my lungs burn, as I shakily grab his shoulder trying to push him off. There was fire is his gaze, it was scorching yet they made me feel cold, devoid.

“I want you, to want me as I want you, Rose. Wretchedly. To burn for me. To look for me. Oh—I want to say my name like a prayer, want me like you want God.”

I never knew what desire was untill I heard his voice, listened to his words, felt his fingers around my throat, as he chuckles darkly watching with deep devotion and fascination as I gather my arms near his chest, numbly, whilst he removes his fingers and replaces them with his mouth, his teeth sharp and his tongue a warm stroke as he eagerly, drinks into my scent pulling loosely around my nape, trying to hold me as much as he could.

He was different tonight. It was never like this.

“All will be fine. I will take care of you,”He grumbled, lips moving against my skin, as I gulped and looked away far into the night. What have I done to myself?

He was never letting me go.


Author's Note:

Since many of you requested fir this I update I could not but publish this chapter that written in my drafts, I have little time these days and too many obligations but I hope to complete all my books in the near future. I hope you liked this chapter if you're still here.

Thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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