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❝Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic

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❝Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.❞



SOMETIMES I LOOK AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR AND all, I see is bleakness.  There's nothing, the scars of my regrets and my many failures,  my naive believes force me to live each day in the remembrance of the oath,  that nothing shall stand in my way.  Neither father,  nor Gabriel. 

Holding the pearl necklace in between my fingers,  I lay it gracefully upon my neck,  as Martha continues to comb my long,  and wild hair.  As she pulls to tie it up,  I hold up my hand and look at her through the mirror, “Leave it open.”

“As you wish,  I can not believe it,  Ms Rose your dream of performing at the new year's gala has finally come true.”

As she begins to speak,  I feel the blood pumping through my heart,  the rage once again rousing within me, I swallowed with difficultly,  the big gulp of wine to remain,  composed.  I was to perform in the next thirty minutes.

A mere pawn. Distraction.

             “It  was my dream when I was a child,”I did not spare a moment more for her to continue and spoke,  in a far more ferocious manner than I've been able to present,  not before her ever,“Do you think it joys me to know that I'm  just a replacement for,  Yura and nothing else?”

“Ms Rose—” Her voices fails  as she deeply stares back at me,  with those sorrowful eyes of her.

“Don't say anything.  It does not matter,  this gala is not for the performance anyways,” saying that I stood up,  beholding her gaze and, just then a knock was heard,  alarming us both,  and causing us to be on guard, “Come in.”

“A letter came for you,  Miss. ”

A boy no old than a teenager stepped in,  handing me a letter with this his stare fixed upon the ground as I moved towards the window,  turning my back towards Martha.  As a sign  to be given privacy.  And within few seconds, silence fills the room when the two people leave quietly,  making sure to lock the door behind them.

Ripping open the envelope,  I pull out the letter with trembling hands and a laboured  breath.  It was addressed in my name that could be seen.

Ms. Rose,

❛I write to you in response of your marvelous and most devious offer. Also to offer my congratulations on being the one to host this year's gala. I look forward to your performance,  even though I may not be there to enjoy it. But,  I have arranged a present for you. By the end of the night it would presented before you. 

And as you said the world could be yours. I say, Rose the world is yours already. Your reign has just begun.  ❜

-— Ri  Youngjung

Holding the letter tight in my hands,  I gasped,  my chest feeling too tight all of a sudden,  as the realization of what I have done crippled me,  causing me to take support of the chair as I continue to stare back at the letter.  Placing a hand over my mouth,  I stifle a laugh when a vulnerable image of my father,  lying defeated and utterly helpless appears in my head.  The goal towards my revenge was more closer to me than ever,  now that I  have acquired  Ri Youngjung's support.

Lord—I am in power.  No more stepping back.  No more of taking orders.

          “What do you think you're doing?” next minute Gabriel yelled,  barging into the room  as I hurriedly hide the letter.

“Get out!”

“No.  I don't  understand what's your problem with me,  Rose?”

Grabbing  me by my shoulders,  he grumbles  manically  as I look up,  holding my stance firm and refusing to back down.

“The investors from China are arriving  tomorrow,  you asked father to let you attend with him. Do you want to humiliate me so bad?”

Standing  tall before me he stares at me with contempt,  and frustration making me feel absolutely more determined in quest for wanting everything. 

Rising my chin,  I spoke coldly, “I can not humiliate those who do not have humility.  What is your goal  Gabriel,  are you angry with me because I stole your chance of wanting to prove father that you're a worthy choice for an heir?” 

His face crumbles and he staggers back with defeating yell. 

“You can not always ruin things for me.”

How childish of him to believe that I ruined this for him. Because I  did not,  it was his own doing.  He wanted to put Yura  down  what he did not  know was that,  he was putting himself out to be used.  I don't think,  I just take what I want.

“You failed father when you failed your own sister,  Gabriel.  Do you think he does not know what you did?” As my question reaches him,  the look of shock and fear that has his whole face turning purple with outrageous rage has made me feel more fulfilled;  full of power than ever.

I feel the rise of a  new found excitement in me. The very feeling of  victory.  The greed for power runs through me as Gabriel stumbles upon a chair. Letting out a deep, and soundly groan.

Did I turn in my own brother? Yes, I did. And this is just the beginning.


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