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❝ Tell me there's a river I can swim that will bring you back to me
'Cause I don't know how to love someone else
I don't know how to forget your face.❞


THE SUN WAS SETTING behind the sea waves which stretched as far as the eye could see. The once blue ocean was now reflecting the bright hues of orange, yellow and pink. The gray clouds failed to hide the lilac sky. The bright sky rays made the sea like it was gold.

How long is this going to go on?” the grave masculine voice snapped me out of trance as sighing I placed the coffee mug back on the table, and looking away from the window I finally set my eyes down him.

“I don't think it's going to rain any soon.”

Clenching his jaw he leaned forward, his hands suddenly clasping around mine,“I am not talking about the weather, Rose. You have been here for twenty minutes and all you did was look outside.”

“Well, let me just say not matter what games, attempts your mother tries to pull against me I am not going marry you, or anyone at the moment,” I spoke with my teeth clenched my eyes glaring daggers at him as pulled my hand out of his hold.

               “We have talked about this before, we both knew that one day we would get married—” I cut his speech mid off.

“Jungkook, you don't understand how dire the situation is.” I murmured softly, looking into his eyes as he leaned back and sighed.

“No—no I think you don't understand that I know I made a mistake, I should've never treated you the way I did on your birthday but that's past us we're grown ups let's forget,” he paused, wetting his lips he suddenly leaned closer his fingers brushing against my face as looking into my eyes he murmured,“I have always had my eyes for you, nothing in this world would change that.”

Swallowing, my eyes felt misty. May be he was right, but it felt good to hear those words.

                  “Where was your love for me when I cried, begging you stay. Where was your love for me when I felt like killing myself, I have never felt so miserable before. No man has a right to make any woman feel this miserable.

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