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❝Like madness is the
glory of life.❞



I PUSHED MY FEET OFF the ground and laid back on the bed. The high ceiling stared down at me, as I kept my eyes wide, a moment later I tried to shut off the voices, the distinct chatter that continued to disturb my silence, interrupting the plans and I was pulling in my head. My eyes flickered at the clock as it ticked, an hour was left until I was to take my leave. I was back at my house, to prepare for the wedding that; I was suppose to attend tonight. The wedding, for some reason I cannot help but wonder whose wedding was it and, why did Jimin asked me, to accompany him. The more that I thought about it, I started to feel agitated, this wait and, this secrecy was driving me mad.

But, it is for my best to not let my curiosity, get the best of me. I was sensible enough to not delude myself into believing, and having faith in one man alone. Park Jimin was a man with power, but he was also a man that, could at any point turn back on his words, that's what always scares me the most. I was aware that he does not possess a heart, that was made for love. And neither can I afford to contribute myself in such vehement burlesque.

           “How about this, Miss Rose?” asked Martha my maid, holding a dark maroon dress in front of my face blocking my sight, as I groaned moving it away, I sat up staring vaguely at the dress she was holding.

“Too plain,” I complained, as she rolled her eyes for the seventh time in the day. Ever since I've given her the simple, and easiest task of finding for me a dress to wear tonight, she has by far managed, to present me with all of my least favorite dresses.

      “You stay away for two days without informing anyone. And then when you return back it's just to go back,” She started to speak whislt marching in and out of my wardrobe as, I tried not to laugh at her scolding.

I know that, I should not be finding this humourous, but Martha was just so pure and simple. I know certainly, that if this was someone else, scolding me and rolling their eyes at me, I would at this moment be fuming with anger. But since it was, Martha how can I mind? When she shouts at me in this manner, while her eyes stare at me with concern, I know then that, I do not mind because, she's the only one in this house who cares if, I'm at home, or not.

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