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❝ We are all museums of fear

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❝ We are all museums of fear. ❞



BELONG? WHERE DO I BELONG? ALL MY LIFE, I'VE been fighting, running and struggling, I've had everything and yet nothing. I've burned brighter, harder. I was that girl, that craved affection, wanted nothing but her father's approval. No one can ask me to not rebel, cause I've been pushed and stepped, I let the people I loved, invested my time upon propel me. I have lived everyday, in those sweet kisses and tender caresses, Iʼve allowed boys with more ego, and men with delusional mindsets to dominate me. But now, I'm allergic. I'm allergic to toxic men, and masculinity.

“I'm sorry are you under the impression that I'm in love with you?” I asked looking back into his eyes, my voice sparked a fire in him, as Jimin clenches his jaw takes a step back, but I don't stop I approach him once again.

His eyes darken, as I boldly, sensually run my finger down his sharp jaw, while my eyes drop mischievously upon his lips, a glint of desire imitates through his usually stoic face, as I smile feeling him crumble, his supreme personality crushed and, undoubtedly his mask of pure male dominance crushes, when I very carefully just like I approached him stepped back letting him whither in that desire.

A cold look of menace, adorned my features as I spoke, in a deadly tone of warning,

    “Do you really believe that those few nights of passion, were enough to make me fall in love with you? Is that why you thought it was okay, to manipulate me? Because you thought I was vulnerable. Pathetic”

“Well, my love in that case we're both the same. Do you think that I don't know why you chose to stay-—is it because no matter you hate this, society and everything you still want it, you crave it,” He spoke, after few seconds of silence in the most brutal tone I've ever heard him use. I frowned, when our eyes I caught the look of anger and, frustration flaring through his irises.

“I thought you were different, Rose.”

Jimin murmured, his vice crisp with warning, as once again his eyes arrested me. My heart stilled and froze, as he approaches me. His gait was rushed, it was threatening it made me feel like, I was a lamb ready for slaughter.

Swallowing, I pushed the feeling aside and spoke, raising my head confidently, “Different? Why don't you say it. You thought I was easy to fool.”

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