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❝Your love is therapy No drug can give me clarity As much as you do

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❝Your love is therapy No drug can give me clarity As much as you do. ❞



THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME ANYMORE, Gabriel is no longer the brother I thought, I always need to protect. He's a thorn. A thorn that has been prickling in my plans for too long. But I still need to know his motive, his game. I can not wait and let him do as he pleases, this is not a stage, and I am certainly not the side character.

Setting down my glass of champagne, I darted my eyes across the grand ballroom where everyone were present, except my brother. He has disappeared. Only few minutes are left before my performance. I am standing by the piano Risa is watching from the other end of the ballroom, my eyes wavering with trepidation. My father is standing beside me, while Park Jimin is as always in front of me.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to stay as calm as possible even though I knew that something was bound to happen. This can not just be a simple new year's gala, my father and Gabriel are hiding something. Something big, something grand. As I let myself be seated by the piano, my eyes instantly shut close and without wasting my fingers start gliding against the piano keys.

The anticipation laced the room with a chilling tension, I could feel people staring at me their eyes watching me, my breath shuddered and hands gripped against the piano harder, my fingers were moving faster now. The tune echoed hauntingly around the ballroom lulling everyone into a trance until the end of the last note, just as I finished the last note a loud scream was heard, breaking everyone out of the trance.

I looked up, rushing to my side were Jimin and my father, the next moment everything that happened after that was chaos. People, women and men were crowding near the staircase, loud gasps were heard, and further screams. My eyes were wide and painfully uneasy, I was clutching the piano with a death grip.

"What is wrong?" Park Jimin, asked his eyes looking at my father who was holding me in place by my elbow. It took my father some time to realize that he was expected to answer.

Hardening his jaw, he grasped my elbow more tightly and murmured curtly, "Someone fell from the stairs. A woman."

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