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❝Why'd I have to break what I love so much?❞

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❝Why'd I have to break what I love so much?❞


MY EYES FOUCSED on the neon lights gleaming, glowing in the dark corner of the bar, sitting straight I sipped down my champagne, my eyes misty as I listened to the soft crash of waves and instrumental music playing in the background. It was there but hard to see but I was sad, I felt alone, lost there was nothing in the world that could take this emptiness away from me as taking a large gulp I laughed bitterly, after hearing the man's word.

“You sure you want to do this, I mean you belong to a respectable family and this isn't something—”

Putting down the empty glass I gestured towards the bartender to refill it. As turning my attention to the man sitting beside me I showed my best professional smile.

“Why—do you think a woman can't earn money if she's from a respectable family?”

The man, Lee Hyuk sighed as he stared anxiously at his glass before taking down a large gulp he stood up, straightening his coat.

          “Alright I'll email you the rest of the details once again I ask you to reconsider this,” he said as he offered me his hand, blinking I smiled faintly and gripped his hand.

“I just want to show my father that I'm not useless. I am stronger I'm everything he doesn't want me to be.”

I spoke feeling a little unsteady as Hyuk smiled as I stumbled forward, his hand pressed against my face he stared down at me, his eyes showing the little traces of worries and hesitations fading as smiling ghostly he holds me steadily, and I clutch his the hem of  his coat tightly.

          “You know what's wrong with me I think I care too much—why  always the people I love hurt me the most?” his eyes opened again, studded deep with anguish, upon hearing my words. I could feel the panic welling up deep within him.

“Rose, it's not you. It is not you.” he spoke gently caressing my hair as we made our way out the bar, it was raining now and my car was parked somewhere far, somehow I didn't even feel like going home, my eyes focused at the far away sea as Hyunk groaned.

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