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❝Maybe we can both remove
the mask
and admit it we were wrong,
from the start.❞



HOW FAR IS THE POSSIBILITY of missing someone, who left a wound untouched in your chest, and with everyday that goes by it just keeps getting deeper, and the pain you feel finally begins to numb. Alas, you start to excel in the art of ‘letting go.’ Letting go of the person that becomes you, whenever you were with him. The person who fought and learned a lesson not to be forgotten that, where I am and, wherever I will go, a part of him remains with me. The only difference is I've learned
how to hide it.

Which is why this morning when I woke up, and decided to read the newspaper—wait of course not the boring gut twisting, misery and what nots of politics but the most delightful news to check, that you'll always find on the front page. But, apparently for me the word delight isn't always full of light and, often comes with a devious realization. That letting go isn't the hard part. The hardest part is when you find out that, you're aren't the one letting go but are let gone.

Careful, ladies the word has it that this young eligible gentleman might not be a bachelor for long, with a scandal free reputation, and a net worth enough to run the whole country, this man surely is every girl's dream. But, who might be the lucky lady to get her hands on this piece of charm.

I stopped reading after that, pushing the papers away, I stared wistfully at my coffee mug, as Tiffany holds the newspaper passing it a scornful stare, before confidently uttering in a raged tone,“This is ridiculous. Park Jimin isn't scandal free, his reputation is far worse than a dog. That guy is practically a jerk.”

Now that was something I wanted to hear. Holding back my smile, I continued to hear her rage over Jimin, with all the nasty words I could've have never thought of using to describe him. May be I should start making a list of my own, considering the amount of time I wasted with that man, the least I could is think of horrible words to describe his twisted personalty.

“I can't believe he called me yesterday to ask about you. Like who gives—” my eyes widened, as I jerked forward, trying to appear less panicked as I asked.

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