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❝We're a trainwreck waiting to happen❞



THE DAY PROGRESSED into a seemingly scriptive influence, of the man sitting beside me in the car, barking orders on his phone, at the moment. My eyes stared at his face, his natural features, as he turned raising his perfectly arched brow. When I didn't say anything, he silently moved me closer to his side, as I felt heat rush to my cheeks. A smile spread across my lips when he, placed his hand against my thigh whilst glancing out of the window, the car once again retired back to its original pace as I sit against my seat unable to look away from the man at my side.

There were two things I learned today, first that, Park Jimin was a very quiet man. He did not use words to describe what he wants or what he truly needs, he was a man who was used to giving orders. He takes time into settling matters, and as I am a very observant person, I noticed not a single time he felt affected by the fact, that I was sitting beside him, while he casually got about his business, visiting warehouses, offices, and some places I've never heard the name of. He insisted for me to wait upon him in the car, while he took care of the matters, what ever they were.

Astonishingly, the second thing I learned about him was just my naive judgment. It was hardly a thought, but it was proven wrong when I asked, Jimin whether he would let me go, at first he acted odd and asked if spending time with him made me feel bored; at which I laughed because the way he asked me, just showed that how little he cared for whatever answer I might present him with. 

When this conversation was wind-up to no reasonable conclusion at all, I was left to my own thinking. I wonder why he wasn't letting me leave? Keeping me by his side, while rarely ever saying a word or two to me. He had a peculiar way of expressing his emotions, he cannot simply just say that he wanted me by his side. I find his, lack of emotions quite pensive, and childish, but that was better in a way; since I was same in that regard.

A chuckle barely left my lips as the door was pulled open just when the car halted and, a very grave looking man, stared down at the two of us, he passed Jimin an envelope, which he snatched from his hands in an haste.

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