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❝How could you question God's existence?When you question God himself

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❝How could you question
God's existence?
When you question God himself. ❞



LOOKING HIM RIGHT IN THE eye I laughed, I laughed because, I wanted him to feel infuriated. To know what it feels like, to have no control over me. His words, they meant nothing to me. That, Park Jimin held no power over me, not until he continues get in the way of things I want the most. Things that are more than he knows.

“Don't make me waste my breath, Park Jimin tell me why are you here?” I questioned, keeping myself pressed against the door even when he moved away, as he chuckles looking around, almost as if he was interested in this room, it's furniture.

        “Always, eager to know everything. This is why I like you, Rose. It is because you understand me, you always know when I am up to something——” His voiced trailed off, as he lazily sauntered around the room, letting my gaze to follow him, my breath quickened, as my heart raced, the deafening silence in the room, was oddly seductive, it was maddening to be in a room with him. Alone.

Steadying my breath, I spoke curtly in a low tone, “You don't leave me much choice, it is either I understand you, or forever doubt you.”

He turns swiftly, his eyes dark and misty, as he takes a daring step towards me, with a rueful glance, I huffed when he brought his hand near my face our eyes locked together in a trance, reluctant and dubious, of these sudden building emotions. My heart beat quickens, as I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks when he comes to stand almost, too close to me. His breath was warm, and uneven, it was evoking the feelings I longed to get over with, the feelings that I knew would one day ruin me.

          “Know this, I would always care for you, Rose. Nothing is going to change that——” Jimin speaks bringing his face near mine as I nod, very weakily yet not all willingly, especially when the next thing I know he's there and, he's about to kiss me.

“Don't,” putting my hand against his face I murmur darkly, my gaze lingering upon his lips, that were a moment ago about to meet mine.

“Why?” He questions hoarsely, as I sighed looking away.

“You know why.”

As he groans visibly annoyed, and frustrated I take this moment to move away from him, making sure to have enough space between us. Because I don't think so, I'll be able to stop him, if he tries to kiss me again.

     “You have exactly nine seconds to tell me why you're here, if you don't I am going to get out of here,” I announced, catching his attention, as he glares clenching his jaw before he takes a deep breath, and once again stands tall, his gaze fixed upon me.

“What's the rush, I could use some more time, alone in this room with you, Rose——what do you say?”

Gritting my teeth, I cross my arms and speak boldly, “How daft can you be, we're here because your selfish, manipulative ass is up to something again, and just when I thought you'd take my word seriously, where do I find you, with my father, doing something,———scheming something.”

My chest falls as I pant, refusing to look away from him, as he bites his lips scratching the back of his neck, with an evil smile, ruling over his smug face.

       “Don't be so harsh on me, love I am only here because, I have some information, that I think you might want to know——” He murmurs softly, with a chuckle as I raise my brow, urging him to continue, “You see, last night your sister wasn't just taken in by that guy, Caleb or whatever, she was not taken—rather she was handed over, like some doll. And when you put the two and, two together, how she was there at the party in the first place and then, boom——congratulations, your brother is a dick.”

No. This can not be right. Lord—Gabrielle won't surely be doing this, he is not like that. I mean, he himself was against me doing anything, then why now?

Not unless, he wants something.

       As I stagger back, my eyes wide and blank, Jimin approaches me with a smirk, offering me his arm, his face covered with  know it all smile, as I scoff brushing off his arm.

How can you be so sure?” I asked, after few minutes of cold silence.

“Imagine my surprise, when I try searching for that guy Caleb, but he has already left the country, and guess whom he had been calling for a whole week, your brother. And a week ago, was exactly when, Gabrielle introduced him to, Yura.”

“He has been planning this for a whole week—” I uttered, suddenly as Jimin nods making me once again loose my stance. I can not believe it, my own brother is not what I thought he was.

How I defended him, took his side when ever Risa or father did anything. Yet he was always quiet. I never could've known the reason why he had such close relations with, Yura, was this his reason? He wanted to get close just so he could use them.

“He needs to be stopped,” Jimin murmured, as I met his gaze, a wicked smile now dancing across my lips, as I recover from my thoughts, walking towards the door to leave, but halt as I turn around, and speak for one last time.

    “Don't be stupid, why should I stop him? If I don't know what his motive is? First, I need to figure what is his game, only then will I make my move. Who knows maybe he could prove to be yet, another useful pawn for me?”

There's silence in the room, a kinda of silence that was announcing the coming of a storm. It was deadly, it was fatal, one I very much welcome.

“You're willing to use your own brother,” Jimin started, there's disbelief amusement and wickedness in his tone, as he continues to gaze at me, and when he sees I was certain, he laughs majestic, devilishly and follows behind me, “You're magnificent.”


Author's Note :

Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter. This was such a fun chapter to write, and I wanted to write about their playful banters for a long time.

What do you think is Gabreil
capable of?

Stay precious as you are to me.
And remember to smile. 💜

Thanks for reading <3


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