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❝I can be your China dollIf you like to see me fall

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❝I can be your China doll
If you like to see me fall.❞


I FELT HIS FEATHER like touch on my back his fingertips tickling, as he caresses my skin. My eyes close, the sensation causing my toes to curl as I bite down on my bottom lip, forcing back a giggle. He's drawing something or writing on me--I don't know what. I try to make senses of his movements, the patterns, as he coasts my flesh with goosebumps.

"What are you doing?" I murmured, not at all surprised when he doesn't answer. He keeps drawing patterns nearly lulling me back to sleep, before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss between my shoulders.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me towards him, my back flat against his warm chest. I smile to myself as he takes my hand linking our fingers.

"I like waking up next to you," he breathed out, his words sounding confused it was like he was talking to himself, I sighed moving his arm from around my waist and turned to face him, propping my face upon my hands I stare down at him, his gaze magnetic as I trace his features with the tip of my finger.

"What are we going to do now? We've crossed the line, we had drawn," my words were barely a whisper before Jimin abruptly sits up, the sheet falling from his body as he glides his arm around my waist and pins my body down as if I was weightless doll.

"I don't remember such things."

"This was never meant to be," the words barely leave my mouth before he grips my face, his fingers pressing against my jaw as his other hand found it's way to my naked tighs, then down to my bottom cupping me, and pulling me against him until I gasped at the intimacy of it.

"You're a cruel woman, Rose. But now that I've finally laid my hands on you. Have tasted you, memorized the epiphany when I touched you. I won't be letting go that easily.”

His words were like magic, while his eyes held me spellbound, I felt exposed and utterly helpless under his demonic gaze untill I blinked unsure, and laughed bitterly pushing his body from off me.

"Just because you're bored. Doesn't mean I'll be one of your many conquest," I spoke with a mischievous smile, standing up naked as a jaybird before I walked towards my deserted dress.

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