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❝I watched the worldfall from your eyes

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❝I watched the world
fall from your eyes.❞



MY EYES STARED AT THE file, I was studying. Everything that I needed to know about the founding families was in here, from their names, to their businesses, and their lands and mansions were written in here. Jimin have asked me to take a look at it, just to be sure that I understand, what I was getting myself involved with. Yet, this file and this information didn't have anything that would help me find a way out. It was pointless.

Sighing, I dropped the file on the dresser, and raised the glass I was holding to my lips. My eyes narrowed as I watched the young girl do my hair, I've seen her here before, her name was Sora, she was good with hair and makeup.

"Bring me another glass of wine," I instructed, Mari who was sorting out my jewelry, her eyes narrowed as she stood up, staring at me through the mirror. I know she wanted to stay here, probably wanted to spy, even though Jimin can tolerate her for all those years, I could not.

Puffing up angrily she marched out of the room, as I tried to hold back my smile. Leaving just the maid and myself behind, finally at last alone. Pursing my lips, I turned around and held Sora's hand, her eyes growing wide with surprise as I smiled at her politely.

"How much do you know about Hannah Wong?" I asked, trying to sound less interested, but completely failed as the girl's eyes dropped and she stepped back, feeling uncomfortable to be asked such a question.

"You ask a lot of questions, Madam," She whispered back, smiling as I rolled my eyes before turning to face the mirror again.

"I am asking you because, I think you're going to be one those people I would want to be around with, I don't see much goodness in here, Sora. I can't only have Jimin by my side," I spoke realistically, making her stop whatever she was doing for a second, before she looks up and holds my gaze through the mirror.

"You're right about seeing nothing good here. But, you're wrong about having only Master by your side. I think you should understand, the only person you need to have with you, is him. And him alone," she answered, in an immediate tone as I dragged in an air, completely caught off guard with her bluntness, she have resumed back to combing through my hair, as I stayed still pondering upon the words she stated.

Him? Alone. That was a ridiculous thought, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly, I stared at the empty glass of wine blankly.

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