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❝Just one single glimpse of relief to  sense of what you've seen

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❝Just one single glimpse of relief to  sense of what you've seen. ❞



IT IS A MAN'S WORLD THAT, WE LIVE IN, where acceptance is unacceptable, equality is frowned upon. Why are the women, forgetting that they can if they want change the misogynistic perspective of this world. If a woman knows her true worth she can bend any man to her will, and prove that what ever they could do we can do it better.

Digging my hands into the pockets of my coat, my eyes flared sharply at the harsh breeze as my breath shuddered and my heart raced when my father came to stand in front of me. His eyes, stared sternly at the car behind me, as he seized me up and down, for something even I didn't care to know.

“Where is she?” He asked taking a step towards me, as I smiled bitterly after seeing the look of concern, his eyes failed to hide for his daughter. A daughter that was dearest to him, a daughter that was preciously perfect.

Not tainted. Unlike myself. Corrupted, and ruined by every man.

But, everything is going to change. I will make sure, that nothing in his life ever stays perfect.

“She is fine. Just little drugs in her system,” Stepping forward I smirked, and glanced scornfully up at his face,“I made sure, no knows what happened tonight. Don't want to tarnish your image, Father.”

His face hardened, as a look of slight discomfort, adorned, his dark and stoic eyes before, he exhaled lighting a cigarette, as I walk to take a step back, when he roughly pulls me by my elbow making me raise a brow.

    “Let the driver take, Yura. Her mother will bring her home,”stabbing his cigarette, with the head of his boot he regards me with a tired glance, before, a wistful smile forms upon his lips,“I will take you home.”

Chuckling, doubtfully I stepped back, and murmured very curtly, “No. I can manage. Maybe, you should think about my proposal with the way, Risa is proving her capability, of being a responsible adult, I think you'd soon be needing someone, better at handling your mess, father.”

“Do you think I don't see what you're trying to do?” He asked, his gaze turning sharper and, more distant.

      Trying to hold back my sinister smile. I turned to face him with a more stiff face, but it certainly can not be as stiff and, stoic his was, it felt too suffocating and, unusual to hold any sort of conversation with him, for this long. Oh, Jesus conversations, tire my soul; especially the ones with my father's wretched soul, he was impossible to love, and to show any sort of respect.

Not, that one haven't tried. Sometimes, I wonder if he is incapable of any kind of humane emotions, or even fatherly affection, all he is good is keeping women tied to him, like gooses. And, if I'm not wrong, he's already moving on from, Risa to another, young, tall, and slim chick. Not to forget brunettes. Those were his type.

But, that never happens. Even if he's tired of Risa, or there is another woman his never abandons her, and when he suffers a heartbreak, or he's lost she'd be there, and so would be mother to hold him up.

     Men like him, would be nothing without women like mother and, Risa. Who, like to make men believe that they owned and, could do what they want. But, I wasn't going to sit back any longer, because I am not some woman.

           “Why are you, scared what I might do? ” leveling my gaze with father I spoke, in a daring tone. His eyes, blazed, like a brewing storm as he snickered arrogantly shaking his head in disbelief, before his smile drops, and he's staring back at me. This time, his gaze is uncertain, confused, yet very cautious. It felt, as if he was pressurizing me to speak further. To let all my thoughts run to him.

“Get out of your delusion, child. You don't stand a chance.”

Those were the words, he last said before he got into his car, leaving me there behind. My eyes, dropped as my knuckles turned pale, blood oozed out of my palm, as I tried holding back my anger down. This is going to longer than I anticipated, his trust and bond with, Risa was too strong. It will be hard for things to change in just one night.

“Darn it,” I cursed, letting out a harsh breath in frustration. My mind was buzzing for something, the blood in my veins was scorching, it demanded something, wanting something to ease this, pent up frustration.

Looking up at the sky, my eyes flickered, as a sly smirk  formed up my lips, when the pathetic face of Risa, appeared in front of my eyes. Yes, Risa poor her——what wrath must be awaiting her. I'm sure, Father won't forgive her or, her daughter that easily.

Lord, it must be hell at home. Father, won't let this end so normally, I am sure there must be something, he must have in his mind. But, before he gets a chance to do anything, there is something that I must do.

       After all it's better to add fuel to the fire while it's burning. And, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Pulling out my phone I dialed up the number, my eyes blinking in excitement, and serene pleasure when the phone was picked up, before the other person could say anything I spoke.

“I'm sure, since you were able to trace his location, you'd also be able to hack the guy's phone who took, Yura. He surely, would've taken some pictures, I want you to give them off as a tip to some magazines, I want it to be grand. I want everyone in Gangnam to know, what Richardson's daughter did last night.”

“And what's in for me?” He asked back, his voice sounded, as if he was amused, thrilled and yet careful.

“Money. Just name the amount.”

Chuckling he whispered, “You're one crazy bitch, Rose.”

And that's right, I am a bitch. A bitch who isn't going to turn everyone's life hell. Father should know by now, I am no child. And I definitely do stand a chance.


Author's Note:

Been so long, I know but I will definitely try to update more often, I know some people must be feeling like I've forgotten this book but it's not true at all.

Is Rose doing the right thing?

Stay precious as you are to me, and remember to smile. 💜

Thanks for reading <3


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