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❝I never watch the stars, there's so much down here

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❝I never watch the stars, there's so much down here.❞



Come over’———THOSE TWO WORDS, mudered all the doubts that my mind has started to process, in the mere course of two, thoughtful days. I welled upon the thought of seeing his face again, touching him. Being near him, and hearing him talk. I missed all that, I missed Park Jimin.

This very Saturday morning when I awoke, I was greeted by the sight pretty red roses, along with a simple note. And if you think he described, his infatuated feelings for me in a very descriptive manner; then you're probably wrong. This was Park Jimin we were talking about, he didn't think it was necessary to be this obvious, he knew how to keep a woman in his hold, and make them obey him, and he sure knows, how to get whatever, he wants.

Yet, if I was another woman, he might have tried to impress me with his words. And it would've been even possible, but I wasn't like other women. I was difficult, and for him I was a mystery that he was still trying to uncover.

Similarly for me, our relationship wasn't a very good, happy one. Especially when we both wanted something from each other. I need him for only one purpose, to hold that power, that he has in my hands. I wanted to get my revenge. And he wanted a women by his arm, to run his empire, the high society. And by having me by his side, it would be easy, for him to hide all his dirty secrets, secrets that his mother died keeping, secrets that he knew could bring him, to his demise. Yet,   underneath that mask of control and perfection he wears. That almost fits him, like a second-skin. Only, I know that below that surface lies a violate rage, simmered, waiting to flare. Coldness, have drenched him. Violence, power and viciousness were his only choice of drug. 

His was a quiet man. A dangerous one.

My eyes darted towards the half-closed door. The sound of faint talking could be heard, as I approached, walking up to stand at the side. My heart hammered in my chest as my gaze landed the back of Jimin’s head. Then slowly did I caught  the sight of a boy, quite younger than him, kneeling on the floor. He was shivering, with intensity that puzzled my conscience as when I stepped further to get a better look at the scene did I hear him speak.

   “I am sorry, Master. But there's nothing I can do, I tried to talk with them. But it seems like, a lot of workers have even boycotted
and it's—” Jimin didn't let the boy speak any further, as twisting his neck, he stood still for a second, before his fist came tearing up the boy's lip as he fell back, yelping.

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