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❝You've got a smile that could light up this whole town

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❝You've got a smile that could light up this whole town. ❞



THEIR WATCHFUL GAZE and hidden whispers, they think that I don't see them. I don't hear them, but little do they know, I know everything. All these fake smile, flattering compliments they mean nothing to me. Because all they see when they look at me is Rose. Someone who is confident, someone who is fun and spoilt. They all expect me to fail, to act dumb and, act like them.

But the truth was and will always be, that I hate this life, this splendor, and all this glory. Yet, my greed for power rules over me. It has driven me to the very edge. I can't think of anything but having it all.

No matter the risk.

Placing a hand over the thirty-five old man standing beside me, I feigned a girlish laugh, and narrowed my eyes when I hear the slight change of his tone, undertone with a hidden meaning.

What was I doing here? Even I don't know. All I know is this posh man was supposedly someone my father was closely acquainted with, they were together in some business for a long time, until few years ago.

My head was spinning and my heart was racing when he gently pulled me to a corner, finally I can talk to him. Looking around us, he turns his focus back to me, as I fumble trying to sound calm. I need to be calm.

This was the most important charity event of the year where only a few people attended, this was, Mr Ri's first appearance in a very long time. After putting someone to introduce us. I didn't waste much time to get him to talk with me alone.

    “Rose Richardson,” He begins to speak drawing near me with every breath as I gulp trying my best to stay composed, “I am a little scared the last time, a Richardson approached me it did not end well.”

He was talking about my father.

Blinking, I let out a chuckle, “Not all Richardson want the same thing, Mr Ri.”

His eyes light up a little with a hint of amusement, yet the veil of suspicion was still there, composed within his watchful gaze.

“You were betrayed by my father. I thought there might still be some unfinished business —”

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