•Chapter 1

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O C T A V I A  

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O C T A V I A  

*14 years later.. ( present time)*

Sweat covered my forehead as i inched my self back into the house at 4 in the morning, the old battered window creaking as i hoped it would stop. I had to be quiet, otherwise he would wake up. 

My body is still covered in his art work he left the last time he caught me sneaking in at this time, i shuddered at the thought as i tiptoed through my room, if i can even call it that. The hall light was glowing from under my door and that's when i realised i was in deep shit.

My door burst open, his tall statue now looming over me as i sink back in fear. I fought multiple people twice his side yet when it comes to him. I freeze. And have no control over my body.

"Oh? so the slut finally returns no need to ask where you've been. Selling your self for money like your cheap whore of a mother" He spat with so much venom stalking closer to me

He has always had a thing for my mother, he hates her. I never knew my mother, all i know is that she died when i was born and left me with a locket which say 'I love you, my little one' in Italian.

I didn't bother to reply back to him i know what going to happen, he's going to beat me for 'whoring' my self out like usual, i can only hope that he doesn't sexually assault me again.

When I didn't answer or look at him he took the opportunity to strike my face, at first i didn't notice until i felt the sting and the whip of my face to the left but this is only the start. I didn't react which he never likes

Using his advantage of being taller and heavier than me, he knocked me to the floor before repeatedly hitting and kicking me. Before straddling me and hitting me over and over again, but yet again i remained expressionless. 

I wish i could fight him back.

After a while he eventually got off but that doesn't mean it's over. He dragged me by my hair moving me over into the corner of the small room by the couch where he found his bat and was about to knock me out unconscious. Again.

However, for the first time in a while i manged to collect all the strength and courage i had, before pushing him off me which just enraged him even more. He threw the glass of whiskey that was in his hand at me before giving me final blow to the head, leaving me unconscious. 

T I M E   S K I P 

My head was throbbing with pain as i woke up in the same place i had been beaten in, the floor was covered in the familiar crimson liquid.  

Standing up was agony, i screamed and winced but brushed past it seeing as i was already late for school. My pain was immense but i couldn't skip school, it was the one place i was free to act like a 'normal' teenager.

My usual morning routine consists of brushing my jet black hair usually in a pony tail and covering the bruises that scatted my body with make up before changing into something that i purchased my self.

My outfit consisted of blue ripped jeans with tatty black converse and a oversized jumper. I spritzed the last remaining perfume i had before cleaning the house in hopes of not receiving another beating. 

T I M E  S K I P 

My engine roared as i raced into the school parking area, the stares continuing but i was use to it by now. I bought my car my self and kept in one of my apartments i had in Texas which was where i lived for now.

The chatter and stares died down once i glared at them, i stood waiting for my friends to come and bother me like they usually do. They walked over with grins plastered on their faces before engulfing me into a hug. 

"I missed you guys too but i literally seen you yesterday and your hurting me." I said while rolling my eyes.

They let go without me asking again which was good, they've been my best friends for as long as i can remember and are the only ones that know about the abuse that i endure.

"We're sorry Via we just missed you plus it's prank day and i cant wait to get started" Elijah replied rolling his eyes at me as i look at him with amusement.

Elijah is my boy best friend, he is the tallest of us all and will hurt any one that even looks at us weirdly. He's 6'2 with bright green eyes and dirty blond hair which suits him. His body is defined and sculpted which is to be expected since he works out all the time.

Charlotte, is Elijah's twin sister and my rid of die. We've been through thick of thin. Similarly to Elijah she has dirty blonde hair but has one green eye and one blue which she hates so puts contact in to hid her eyes.

McKenzie is our other best friend however I'm not as close to her, shes really pretty though. She has bright auburn hair and deep brown eyes as well as freckles that cover her face. Her aura always screamed innocent but she isn't, quite the opposite in fact.

Students filled my view as we walked down the corridors of hell, they all split like the red sea as we walked down having a small conversation about our recent kill the night before.

Stopping at our lockers, the voice of our head teacher came through on the announcement things causing me to inwardly groan especially when she called my name to the office.

Sceptically my friends looked at me with knowing looks, except this time i generally hadn't done anything and was very confused on why she wanted to see me. 

"What the hell did you do this time Tavia, i swear if you did something fun without us I'm going to skin you alive and feed you to some sharks" Charlotte sassed 

She joked I hope

I rolled my eyes and told them goodbye before making my way to the office, our head teacher was very well antiquated with me so i know she wouldn't call me down here for nothing. I didn't bother knocking and just walked in ignoring the presence of the other people. 

"whatever it was i didn't do it, it was Charlotte and Elijah they did however tell me their plan and i know that makes me an accomplice but i promise i didn't do shit" i rambled 

She didn't saying anything, her face showed nothing but fear and sadness. 

"Spill whatever you want to tell me, i have shit to do" i spoke bored already

"I'm afraid your father has been found dead" she spoke softly

I wanted nothing more than to correct her and tell her William wasn't my father but i let it slide considering the old bastard is dead. I kept my face neutral, wanting to know what would happen to me now.

He couldn't of waited a year

"Right okay then, what going to happen to me then I'm i going to an orphanage or some shit" i replied my voice stoic of any emotions.

She looked shocked at my response but soon composed her self, she cleared her throat and glanced at the 2 other men in the room.

"Actually no your not, you see them two gentle men there they're your brothers and are taking custody off you" she says pointing to the two scary men I saw when I entered the room.

I didn't know what to reply so i sat in there chair for a few minutes thinking trying to remember them. My memory was foggy but I managed to put the piece's together, i knew exactly who these strangers were.

or should i say, my brothers...


1364 Words

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