•Chapter 30

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The atmosphere had shifted now that everyone had left which left Javier and I, he broke the silence and led me out towards the garden where he asked me to be hi girlfriend.

Our hands were linked as i took a good look around, I hadn't gotten to see much last time since it was dark but it was outstanding, the whole place was breathtaking. Russia was a beautiful country.

In the distance i could see the small little house, that i had noticed the last time we were out here. Javier carried on walking with me following behind silently observing the view.

He stopped when we reached the door of the little house, my eyes lit up as he opened the door revealing a very cottage core aesthetic inside. It wasn't my taste but it suited the house perfectly. 

"This is gorgeous" I spoke letting go of his hand and walking around 

He chuckled slightly and watched as I explored the mini home, the house had a distinctive smell of cooked pie which led me to the kitchen. Unfortunately no pie was there which made me go back into the living room area.

I couldn't see Javier but gasped when i felt his arms around my waist, his head was leaning on my shoulder as i smiled. His scent engulfed my scenes as i breathed in.

He began trailing small kisses on my neck causing my skin to react in pleasure, I could feel the goosebumps as he trailed his lips further down, my blazer had fallen slightly giving him access to my shoulder blades.

I threw my blazer on the floor as we began walking over to the couch that was laid out in front of an exposed fire which was dimly lit meaning he had put it on while i went into the kitchen.

He gently pushed me on my back so i fell on the couch before diving in between my legs, his lips attached to mine with a hungry sensation.

He was addicting.

Removing our lips i glanced up at him, his grey eyes staring at me with lust and love. His hair brown hair cascading over his forehead, i bit my lip causing his eyes to dart down and him to groan slightly.

"The things you do to me hermosa" he groaned


My hand lifted up to push the hair that had fallen over his eyes allowing me to take in all his features before i got bored and pressed my lips back against his, he responded immediately. 

Our lips fought for dominance until he won, they fit together like a mould almost as if he was made for me and me only.

As he carried on kissing me he changed our position, i was now straddling his lap. His tongue invaded my mouth but i let him, i could feel my pussy start to throb so i began grinding on his to remove some of the tension that was being made.

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