•Chapter 43

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We arrived back to the estate and I ignore everyone. Storming down to the basement and looking at the emptiness of the cells. I knew something was off, yet I didn't figure it out quicker..

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled upon noticing the empty cell

I ran upstairs into the foyer, immediately using the voice system that dad installed into the house.

"MEETING RIGHT NOW!" I spoke sternly into the intercom

The sound of feet trampling echoed throughout the foyer. I stride into the meeting room where I met everyone a furious look drew on my face. I sat down at the head of the table yet again.

"Via what's wrong?" My dad asked

"She's gone she's fucking gone!" I scowled angrily

"Who's gone Tavia?" Elijah asked

"MACKENZIE FUCKING OLIVIA, she's escaped meaning she's back out there" i seethed

"WHAT THE FUCK" my brothers shouted at the same time

"Tell me why there were no guards down there as well" i said while glaring at my dad

"I have no idea. Aldo call Jude in he's one of our best men" my dad order his little brother

Seconds later Aldo returned with a man I'm guessing is Jude he had strawberry blonde hair with dark chocolate eyes he was very good looking.

"Jude this is my daughter Octavia I want you to answer any of her questions, she's also the leader of the French mafia" my dad told this Jude person

I nod at him before starting my questions

"Your head guard correct" to which he just nodded

"So tell me why the fuck aren't there any guards in the basement and where the fuck McKenzie Olivia is and how she managed to escape out the fucking basement" i seethed

"M-miss Bianchi, I have no idea why there aren't any guards in the basement but the last I saw McKenzie was was walking the grounds if the estate with Nicolo's girlfriend Kaytie I believe her name was" He stuttered slightly

"But Kaytie is dead i shot her" Monte said nonchalantly

"It had to have been before that then but why would Kaytie help Kenzie" Alessio asked

"Maybe their friends" Levi said cluelessly

"I don't think so, I think it's something else. What was her surname Nicolo?" Matteo asks our older brother

"Olivia I think but I never knew McKenzie's last name was that" he said while looking slightly guilty

"Wait if Williams last name is Jones and so was Esmeraldas then why is Kenzie's last name Olivia?" Marco asked

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