•Chapter 18

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My nerves have been exploding ever since Javier got permission of my entire family to take me on a date and that was 2 days ago. It's currently Wednesday and he want's to take me out Friday meaning i had to wait.

Currently Charlotte, Elijah, and I were sat in our science class listening to the teacher ramble on about photosynthesis which we already knew from out last school.

My phone was in my pocket but i could feel it buzzing, i tried to ignore it but couldn't. It kept going off, luckily it was on silent.

I viewed my phone to see i have a missed call of Kenzie, a message of my racing manger and a message of Javier. Ever since he asked me on that date we've been talking a lot more not that i mind.

My racing manager Franco told me i had a race tonight against someone I've already beat before so it wont be that hard, he also told me the time to be there and where to go.

I reminded my self to call Kenzie back when i got home since I'm in school but i decided to message Javier back. 

if she can ignore us, i'll ignore her.

Mister De Leon💛
Hello gorgeous, i wont be in school today i have some things i need to do with my dad but I'm coming round to your house to speak to Dante so ill come and see you as well. Have a great day mi amor. [my love]

I smiled as i read his message. I glanced at the teacher to see he isn't paying attention so i was able to message him back. I kept looking up ensuring he was still busy and not paying attention while doing so.

Hi, okay that's alright have fun working with your dad and I might not be there when you come to my house to see Dante i have something i need to do but i depends on the time that you come. I'll see you soon guapo. [handsome]

Mister De Leon💛
Hah i will, be good in school and that's alright if i don't see you later ill be back in school tomorrow, goodbye my love.

I read his last message and put my phone back in my pocket before i got caught. Glancing at the clock there where only a few minutes left.

T I M E  S K I P

My stomach rumbled as i walked into the lunch room, i quickly walked to the line and grabbed a burrito before walking over and sitting with my brothers and friends.

"Hey little sis" Matteo greeted as i sat next to him

I groaned as he called me little sister before reminding him that we were in fact the same age, he was a few minutes older.

He smiled and played with my hair before jumping into a conversation with our brothers while i spoke to Charlotte and Elijah in french about the race that i had later.

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