•Chapter 8

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Sneaking back in was a lot easier than i thought, all i had to do was climb through the window and not get caught.

Changing my clothes was a huge must, as i felt gross. My skin was crawling after what i just witnessed. I never understood how someone could do that to their child, although i understand the trauma that little girl is going through.

Quickly, i changed into some nike pro shorts and one of Matteo's jumpers which was huge on me since he is a giant compared to me. I cleaned my face from any make up and wacked my hair in a pony tail before going downstairs.

Downstairs was insanely quiet, everyone was sat around not saying anything. Dad and Nicolo sat at the head of the table with my brothers going down. I swiftly took my place next to Matteo.

The tension was thick and still no one said anything. The maids came in and placed the food before leaving, the sound of cutlery scraping was all i could hear.

My father must have had enough of the deafening silence as he cleared his throat before looking at me with sincerity. 

"We didn't know you could speak Italian I'm sorry you had to find out about the mafia that way. I'm sure you have a lot of questions princess" he spoke softly

I didn't have any questions, i knew exactly who he was and how he got to where he was. But he didn't know that which is why i kept silent for now.

 But he didn't know that which is why i kept silent for now

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Silence, was drowning the room before Octavia arrived, no one was saying a thing. It was thick with tension, almost as if no one knew what would happen next.

My little sister, finally made her way downstairs in a very inappropriate outfit. I wanted to say something but quickly chose against it since i didn't want to make a scene.

The tension grew thicker as she walked in and took her place next to Matteo, dad kept placing glances at her but didn't say anything. That was until he apologised about her speaking Italian and knowing about the mafia.

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