•Chapter 41

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T H I R D  P È R S O N

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It had been a week since Matteo got out of the hospital wing and was getting better. The family was back to normal laughing and joking. Just how it was suppose to be.

Today was the day of Alfonso's funeral and everyone in the house was devastated. They all took a break from mafia work and had yet to notice McKenzie's disappearance from the basement.

Everyone was getting ready trying to hold back their tears. Javier and Octavia where in her room trying to keep strong for one another them occasionally telling each other every thing would be alright.

Georgio was sitting alone in his office wallowing in self pity but he knew he had to be strong for his family.

Nicolo and Monte kept their emotions in check for their younger siblings keeping their mafia faces on as they would call it. Valentino and Dante were staying together reassuring each other making sure they were alright.

Luca was trying his best to keep his sprints up to keep Matteo happy. All hell went lose when Matteo found out his granddad was dead.

Martina was hiding a huge secret but she didn't want to tell the family yet not after they just lost their grandfather so she kept a strong facade.

They arrived at the cemetery wearing all black just like Alfonso wanted. The Spanish mafia were there supporting everyone all the way through since they've been friends and allies since way back.

The funeral was classy like a true don would have it, the casket was in the middle with the Italian flag draped over it showing his love for the country he grew up in.

The funeral went into process it wasn't a religious ceremony seeing as they definitely weren't religious. Many people saying a few words until it was Georgio's turn.

"My father may not have been a great man doing a lot of terrible things being who he was but he never failed to make sure his family was well taken care of, he would risk it all to ensure his families safety and that's what he did. He died making sure the bad man who hurt his only granddaughter was dead and because of that he would be so proud. I never said this enough but thank you papa for everything without you I wouldn't be the man I am today and for that I thank you. May you rest in internal peace papa I love you" he ended with tears in his eyes.

The rest of the family went one by one all sharing memories of growing up with him and how he would do anything for his family. However Octavia felt out of place she didn't grow up with him like her cousins and brothers but that didn't stop her from listening and smiling at them reminiscing their memories of their grandfather.

The service ended and everyone wen back to the safe house where they decided to stay with the De Leon's still living with them.

However while the Bianchi's were celebrating the ex dons life a certain girl was planning something huge against them in order to get revenge. She had everything planned out with the help of someone very special and certain someone who knew Octavia thanks to her little brother.

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