•Chapter 7

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O C T A V I A 

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O C T A V I A 

Shocking people had always been one of my favourite things to do however this time it felt  different, i had just outed my families secret when they didn't want me knowing. 

Ignoring the feeling, i groaned as my phone rang, a small smile playing on my lips as i read the caller ID.

"Tavia you've been hired for an assassination by a local gang here in Italy they're called the jaguars and they want you to kill a man called David Sanchez apparently he abuses his wife and daughter as well as raped many boys and girls under the age of 6, he also owes the jaguars a lot of money but they've offered to pay you 250 thousand to kill the bastard and help the daughter and wife" the voice i recognise as Elijah's.

"Hello to you to Elijah" I reply sarcastically before adding on "Tell them ill do it just send me the location of where he will be and where i can find the wife and daughter ill leave to do it now" before ending the call.

All i had to do now was sneak out of the estate without my family seeing, as well as the millions of guards, easy right?

T I M E  S K I P

T R I G G E R  W A R N I N G

I was wrong, it was very hard escaping from the estate but i manged to do it. It was simple but stressful.

But now i stood in the middle of the woods with smashed window glass beneath my feet, no sounds could be heard and the small dim of light was the only thing in could see.

A small run down cabin was sat in the middle of the woods where i stood, the wooden door was open as i made my way closer to the dimmed light that was admitted from the room.

Upon walking in, I froze not expecting to see the sight in front of me. The bastard i was suppose to kill was in the middle of raping his 8 year old daughter, while his wife cried silently watching.

His sick smirk was plastered on his face as he moved his head to he was facing the door where i was currently standing.

"Step the fuck away, right now" i spoke, my voice cold as i stared him down

Stopping the atrocious act he was preforming on his daughter, he laughed a sinister sound showing his grimy teeth, knocking me sick.

 "And what is a little girl  like you going to do i may just have my way with you now as well" He spoke, the same sick grin in his face

I laughed dryly "you clearly don't know who i am then do you, allow my to introduce my self I'm the black storm"

It was my turn to smirk in triumph now as his face paled, he stepped away from his daughter who ran to her mother, tears streamed from both of them

"B-B-black storm-m w-what are you doing here?" He attempted to sound confident but failed

"Oh so you do know who i am then I'm clearly not just any little girl then i am" I replied cockily

Before he could say anything else i shot him in the knees making him fall to the ground "saluta lucifero da parte mia" i shot him between the eyes and in the heart for added effect without any guilt or remorse. 

[say hello to Lucifer for me]

I couldn't celebrate to much as i remembered his daughter and wife where still in the room and scared from the trauma. I walked over, kneeling down and softened my voice as i spoke to them.

"My name is Stormie and I'm here to help you from that monster, i can get you whatever you want and to start a fresh if that's what you want or i can help you get back on your feet and live a better life" i mainly directed this towards his wife.

"H-hello my name Helena and this is my daughter Tessa, I would very much love your help thank you so much for getting rid of him you don't know how much this means to us" the women whose named i learnt was Helena replied.

"Honestly its not problem its my job I'm sorry you had to watch me kill him though, let's get you out of here and safe yeah."

They quickly accepted my help, so i dropped them off at a centre i worked with who would help them get back on their feet and help them recover from the sick things that man put them through.

They quickly accepted my help, so i dropped them off at a centre i worked with who would help them get back on their feet and help them recover from the sick things that man put them through

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T H I R D  P È R S O N 

While Octavia was sneaking around and doing her assassination the Bianchi boys where snapping out of their trance of realising their princess understood Italian and now knows about the mafia.

Georgio was the first to do something he threw the glass table across the room cursing in Italian as he did so.

All he could think of would be how to explain this to his youngest child and only daughter, a million of thoughts were swimming around in his head he didn't want her to go again not after getting her back.

Nicolo was trying his hardest not to freak out he also didn't want his baby sister to leave again he already loves her a lot and would do anything to protect her.

Monte was trying to calm his father down not really letting the information process as usual taking the stage of mother hen up.

Luca didn't really care he was thinking about a prank he could pull on all of his siblings.

Dante was in another world he didn't even listen to Octavia saying she understood Italian and knows about the mafia.

Valentino was thinking about how he knew Octavia and not just because she's his sister its was something else.

Matteo was freaking the fuck out how would they explain to his sister about the mafia without worrying her or making her want to leave.

Little did they know she's known for a while.

After collecting their thoughts the Bianchi men decided to talk to Octavia at dinner time where they would explain everything in hopes she understood what was happening.

After their decisions the boys decided to go on with their day. The older ones deciding to do mafia and business work while the younger ones hung out.

However Matteo wanted to hang out with his twin so went to her room in hopes to talk and hang out with her.

When he got to her room she obviously wasn't there. He wondered around the house looking for her until he got bored and went to play PlayStation with Dante and Valentino.

All they had to do was wait

Edited1200 words

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