•Chapter 22

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A week had gone by since i last spoke of Armani's name and no one has asked any further questions which was lucky. However, that also means it's been a week since my date with Javier.

I returned back to school on Monday since the whole Rochelle incident, she couldn't even look me in the face so i hate to think what the guys did to her after i left. I do think she's plotting something else but I'm going to be one step ahead.

On Wednesday McKenzie finally returned to the twins apartment, she gave an excuse of needing time but we don't buy it. She's suspicious but you know what they say 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'.

It was currently 7pm on a Friday and i was sat in my bedroom with Charlotte and Elijah talking about our current 'friend' situation.  She's suppose to be our best friend yet is acting completely out of character. 

"I don't know we can't just not be friends with her anymore we've been through so much" Charlotte said sighing

She was right, we've been friends since the start

"I know but I don't know if I can trust her especially after what Joan said" I replied playing with a rubber band i found on my desk

"Who's Joan again?" Elijah questioned

"The traitor who was working for the Greek mafia also known as Williams mafia" Charlotte replied for me

"Yeah but can we trust Joan, who knows maybe their lying" Elijah added on

"Although a traitor i trust them more than Mckenzie at the moment" I told the twins

"What are we going to do about it" Charlotte questioned

"Nothing" they both looked at me weirdly before I continued

"Were going to wait until we announce ourselves as the French mafia and then get my dad and Javier's family to help us, we may be the strongest mafia but we're still going to need help" they both nodded before we heard a knock at my door. I didn't think twice and yelled come in.

I thought it would be one of my brothers but it was McKenzie. We were all confused at this point we didn't tell her we were hanging out and she didn't know we're I lived. 

What the fuck

"Hey guys" she chirped happily walking over next to Charlotte

"Hey Kenzie" we all said simultaneously, ignoring the weirdness that came with her presence 

"What are we doing" she asked looking around my room with her eyes

"Not much just hanging out" Elijah replied sceptically hiding what we were actually talking about 

"Are you doing mafia work" she quizzed interested

That was weird McKenzie never asks if where doing mafia work but lately she's taken an interest in it. I remind my self to talk to Elijah as Charlotte about it. I've always been closer to them two anyway.

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