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*10 years later*

A lot has changed in 10 years.

I am now a mother I have 3 beautiful babies and one of the way. We have three sons they're called Sebastian and he's 7, Hugo and Thiago who are 5.

We also had a set of twins. I'm currently 39 weeks pregnant and about to pop we don't know what we're having we chose to keep it a secret until their born.

Nicolo and Jada didn't waste any time having kids I knew she'd get pregnant on their honey moon. They have 2 little boys Nico and Lewis who are 10 and 7. She's also pregnant with another little boy their naming Mason.

Monte and Gracie decided not to have anymore children since they've already got 3 boys, but there doing well Alec is nearly 15 and is taller than me he's been training to be apart of two mafia's once he's old enough.

Antonio and Giovanni are 10 now and argue like cat and dog they are polar opposite i honestly feel bad for them.

Luca and Zack adopted another little boy called Harry and he's 12. He has Luca's personality he's literally a goof ball. Jake is doing well he's 15 and very clever he reminds me of Valentino at times. Luca did decide on no more kids though he said 2 was enough after hearing dad complain after taking care of 8 children was hard.

Dante and Tessa got married and she's expecting her second son anytime soon. At first Dante was sceptical about becoming a father but some advice from his little sister and he was alright.

Their first son was called Freddie but he died a couple of days after Tessa gave birth he would of been 9 this year so they took awhile to have another kid as they didn't want to loose another one. She wouldn't tell me but i pout and Dante told me they were naming him Lucio.

Valentino and Kayla are now married with triplets yeah you heard that right they had triplets and guess what all boys again. They have Thomas, James and Ethan and they're 6. They both said after having triplets no more children and I don't blame them.

Matteo and Charlotte and very much still in love and married I now get to call my best friend my sister in law. Their son Rocco is turning 11 soon and they have 2 more sons Amato and Augustus. They decided to name their children after our brothers middle names.

Elijah and Alessio have decided they don't want kids but who can blame them plus there's enough children in the family if they ever wanted to look after them.

Currently I was watching Sebastian, Hugo and Thiago play Xbox in the living room when my water broke.

"Sebastian hunny I need you to go get daddy, tell him mummy's water has broke" I tell my eldest

He rushed out the room into the office where Javier was working. Seconds later a panicked looking Javier rushed out the office with Sebastian running after him.

"Darling the baby is coming" I tell my husband

He immediately calls my dad who comes round to look after the boys.

At the hospital it was painful as hell I don't know how I've done this 3 times before.

"No more babies" I scream to which he just laughs

A couple hours later the sound of my baby crying fills the room

"Congratulations Mrs. De Leon you have a healthy baby girl" the nurse says

"I'm sorry did you say girl" Javier asks excitedly

"Yes sir would you like to hold her" she asks to which he just nods

"What do you want to name her princess" he's asks

"Arabella Sosia De Leon" I tell him to which he just agrees

*A year later*

Everyone is sat around having dinner at dads house for Christmas. The reactions we got when we told them their was a little girl in the family again was overwhelming.

All of her cousins and brothers have already sworn to protect her away from any dangers there may be.

If you told me when I was 10 that I would be married with 4 beautiful children and an amazing family I would have laughed in your face and told you to fuck right off.

But over the past how many years I've learnt that sometimes life throws hurdles in your face and you have to prove your strong enough to overcome the barriers.

I couldn't be more thankful for my family and friends who have been there every step of  the way. From my panic attacks and bad dreams to helping me take down William and his family. I will forever love my crazy weird mafia family.

Edited839 words

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