•Chapter 2

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The clock ticked as time went passed, I was sat in my office at home with stacks of paper sat on the desk in front of me. Our father was out of town and as the future don of the Italian mafia all responsibility fell on me.

The silence was suffering as my thoughts roamed, our life use to be perfect. We had everything we ever wanted and more, that was until my baby sister got taken. Fourteen years later and we still haven't given up looking.

I don't know how long i sat there in my thoughts but my phone chimed indicating it was dinner. As the eldest i had to ensure my brothers weren't arguing and actually getting along.

Fighting could already be heard as i walked closer to the dining room, all of my brothers except Monte who was doing legal work were sat waiting for me. Dad usually makes us have dinner as a family once a week but since he's been gone for his trip we haven't really been doing that.

Our step-mother Esmeralda is also sitting in the dining room with a face on. My dad only married her so he could inherit her fathers's company when he died, however he's still alive so unfortunately she lives with us.

She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body and bosses the younger ones around, expecting them to be her slaves. She's a gold digger and often walks around in thousands of euro's worth of cloths that dad buys her to shut her up.

Her face was sour as i took my seat at the head of the table which is reserved for the capo and future capo which is me and dad. Huffing waltzed off into another room, her heels clicking as she did so.

As long as I can remember Esmeralda has tried to become the role of our mother, but none of us would let her. Our mother died shortly after giving birth to the younger twins, we made a promise to protect her children.

Everyday i will have to put up with the fact my mother would be disappointed in me for not doing the one thing I promised her after she died and that was to keep Octavia safe. Where ever my piccolo stella is i hope she's safe. [little star]

My brothers carried on arguing about what ever they were, when Monte walked in loosing his tie. He had been working with dad's legal business while i do the mafia and illegal dealings.

"do you lot ever shut up" he snapped but apologised straight after

The boys took that as a sign to stop arguing and talk normally but that didn't last long when Matteo raised his voice at Luca.

"No Luca you've got it wrong. Cereal is NOT classed as soup just because you eat it with a spoon does not means it's SOUP idiota" Matteo glared at Luca while saying this. [idiot]

Luca just scoffed at Matteo's response and replied with something even worse while Dante sat staring at his phone and Monte ate his dinner.

I sighed in annoyance as my phone starting ringing halfway through dinner, i didn't bother looking at the caller ID and answered.

"What do you want?" I snapped

"Hello is this Mr Nicolo Bianchi?" The voice on the other line asked cheerfully

"Si, this is him, what do you want" I questioned [yes]

"I'm Officer Oaks from Texas and i have a girl here by the name of Octavia Bianchi, her foster father has recently died and she is in need of legal guardian and i was wondering if you would take her in or she will have to go into foster care" the voice introduced themselves

My whole world stopped for a second, she's alive my Octavia my baby sister is alive and is finally coming home. I didn't even realise the whole room went silent and that I didn't answer back to the Officer.

"Hello sir, is everything okay, do you want the kid or not?" The officer snapped

"Firstly don't you ever dare speak to me like that again and secondly yes 100%, message me the place and ill come collect her, thank you" I spoke shocked still

I stared in shock at my phone, this was the best thing that could happen. My face must of shown the shock as my brothers bombarded me with questions.

"Boys I'm fine but I've got some great news, that was the Texas police department-

"why the fuck is the Texas police department calling you who got in trouble now"

"Well Monte if you didn't interrupt me i would tell you, they have Octavia apparently her foster father died and she needs a legal guardian so she's coming home after 14 years." I announced to the family

The boys all looked at me wide eyed and mouths hanging open, to say they where in shock was a understatement. The silences was strong until Matteo started shouting loudly.

"Our baby sisters coming home! whooo!" he yelled

Matteo may had been three when Octavia was taken but he knew what had happened, his sidekick was no longer with him. He really did miss her, just like the rest of us.

"Can i come and get her with you please" Luca practically begged me to let him come but being the responsible brother replied with no and that he had school tomorrow and could see her after.

"I cant believe she's alive and was in Texas this entire time, i swear whoever kidnapped her will pay and I will make sure of that" Dante said, I think he's still in shock and angry at him self for her getting kidnapped even though he was 4 when it happened.

"Monte your coming with me the rest of you get to bed you have school in the morning, Monte, Octavia and I will be back before you come home from school i promise, where talking the jet to Texas now" I said to which everyone just grumbled a small yes and okay in response.


A run down public school stood in front of us, many of the students sitting on cars smoking. One car caught my eye in particular, there was a silver customised Maserati that looked out of place at a school like this.

Other students looked in awe as Monte parked the mclaren, whistles and hollers erupted as we walked into the school building, my mind purely focused on getting my baby sister back.

We exchanged pleasantries with Octavia's head teacher Olive, before she called her down using a different surname to our own.

Soon after the door to the office opened and in walked a young girl, rambling about not doing something and blaming other people. She hadn't noticed me or Monte yet.

There she was a beautiful grown women, she looks so much like mum you can tell she's definitely a Bianchi she has the ocean eyes that everyone in our family. Her aura screamed powerful and dangerous, she was a true Bianchi.

I didn't listen to her head teacher explaining what had happened and why she got called, i couldn't i was in awe with my baby sister and how much she had grown up.

She kept her face void of any emotions, it was hard to read how she felt about this and what her thoughts where. She turned around in her chair viewing Monte and I with such determination.

That was until she whispered something i had longed to hear.

"Nicolo, Monte"

she remembers us.

Edited1305 Words

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