•Chapter 33

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Arriving home, I was determined I had one question on my mind. I walked though the hallways with confidence trying to find anyone but mainly my father so he could answer my questions.

I didn't even realise everyone was following me as i looked around trying to find them until i did, they were in the lounge with whiteboards and stacks of paper. I ignored them and went straight to my dad.

"I have a question" i spoke out 

"Hey, didn't know you were home" Uncle Leo spoke out

"Not now dad, we have questions" Marco hushed his father

"This is important isn't it?" Uncle Adrian asked to which the triplets nodded

We all sat down while the adults gave us their full attention.

"Something happened at school today" Matteo said sceptically

"What happened are you all okay" Monte asked in his motherly way

"Well i got into a fight" i said sheepishly

"Why and who with princess" my dad asked me

"McKenzie she was saying shit about mum" I responded bitterly thinking about what she said

"What do you mean saying shit about your mum and boys is this true" my father questioned looking at the boys

"She was asking how our family was and then said and I quote 'how's your mum oh wait she's dead my family killed her" Luca responded for me

Dad didn't respond for a while he stayed silent and so did the rest of my family. No one knew what to say, I don't even know how mum died.

"Dad how did aunt Arabella die" Luciano asked uncle Adrian

"She died shortly after giving birth to Matteo and Octavia" my dad replied to him

"Then what could McKenzie mean by her family killed your mum" Alessio asked confused like the rest of us

"Dad where was everyone when mum died" I asked

"Well i was in the baby room looking at you and Matteo while the boys where at my parents house with your cousins, aunts and uncles" he responded with a small smile on his face

"So mum was alone then" Nicolo asked curiously

"Yeah she was sleeping and I wanted to see my prince and princess" dad said admiringly

"Who do you think McKenzie's parents are?" Maximo asked

"It's obvious William and Esmeralda but that's not the question" I sighed "She always told us she didn't have parents especially when we were sold"

"Octavia i know you don't want to tell us but where did you get sold too?" My grandmother asked softly

"I was sold to an assassin academy that's where I learnt to become the black storm and then killed the French mafia leader which is how I became the French mafia donna" i told them truthfully

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