•Chapter 28

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Panic struck everyone as the lights cut out in the function room where the gala was being held. All the mafia families pulling out their guns pulling off the safety just in case. The doors burst opening revealing the three people no one expected.

Standing at the door with her two best friends behind her was none other than Octavia Bianchi the Italian mafia princess all though now she looked like a total bad ass. Her dress and aura had changed, all of a sudden she screamed danger.

Her best friend Charlotte looking stunning as ever wearing a short golden dress with matching heels. While Elijah was wearing a deep blue suit with a yellow tie. They all looked good a little too good.

The trio walked in with their heads held high Octavia in front leading the as the twins followed behind her. The confidence that radiated of them was something everyone in the room wished they had.

They made their way towards the stage everyone just following by moving their heads. Many eyes burned into the trio as they strutted over to the stage at the front. Everyone's eyes were glued to the 17 year olds on stage.

When presented at the stage Octavia looked over to where her family are who all had confused faces on except Valentino he put the pieces together.

"Oh mio dio" he whispered causing his family to look at him sceptically. 

[oh my god]

Octavia just raised an eyebrow. She finally spoke after a minute of silence, shocking everyone at the tone of her voice especially as she was talking to her older brother.

"My dear brother Valentino I'm guessing by that reaction you've put the pieces of the puzzle together" smirking as she said every word in a confident and firm tone.

Feeling more confident he stood up and slowly made his way by the sage so he was in front of his little sister. He wasn't scared of her more shocked, he knew she was the black storm yet being a mafia leader never crossed his mind.

"But how?" He asked incredibly confused

"Well you see being the underground's best assassin the black storm you get hired for some murders to which I've done a lot" she replied loud and clear

The room erupted into gasps the minute she said she was the black storm, shock was evident on the attender's face as they realised she was the most feared mafia boss in the world.

Before she could finish the rest of what she was saying an incredibly stupid man decided to speak.

"YOU'RE A MERE GIRL THERE IS NO WAY YOU COULD BE THE BLACK STORM!" He bellowed across the room which yet again caused gasps to be heard

Octavia didn't even look in his direction and pulled her gun out from under her dress while maintaining eye contact with her father who is looking at her with mixed emotions. The main one being proudness as well as hurt.

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