•Chapter 42

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After grandpas funeral I had one thing on my mind and that was murder like usual but unfortunately for me I wasn't allowed to kill Kenzie yet I had to wait until after Nicolo's don ceremony. Dad said that it was some time next week but I have a bad feeling something is going to happen.

I need to indulge in doing more legal work, my company is starting to sky rocket even more.

I've just opened a fashion company that's also called storm but I'm allowing Charlotte to make majority of the ideas since she's good at being creative. Currently we were sitting at the dining room table my family doing their own things.

Dad is finishing up the last of his don work while Nicolo is getting prepared. Monte is introducing us to Gracie tonight properly so I'm pretty excited about that. I also know Zack is so coming over for diner as well. Since the Spanish mafia still live with us I don't have to invite Javier.

My family were walking in and out the room while Charlotte, Elijah and I were having a mini meeting. Well Charlotte was telling us about her ideas and I was agreeing to it. Elijah was just rolling his eyes at how excited his twin was getting.

My phone ringing interrupted the twins arguing. I glanced at the screen to see my assistant Vanessa calling.

"Octavia we have a huge problem" she spoke shakily through the phone

"What is it" i asked calmly I didn't want to get angry

"The meeting has been pushed forward we need you you here 8 am Thursday morning, the investor also wants to pull out the money he doesn't think the idea is good enough anymore" she spoke

"Why the fuck has the meeting been pushed forward and why is he taking the money out" I spoke slowly getting irritated

"He said the idea was pathetic and would never sell out so he's taking his investment somewhere else and as for the meeting is was their idea apparently they need it sooner than later"

"FOR FUCK SAKE, I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO!!! Is that it?" I asked getting pissed off

"Y-yes boss" she stuttered

I hang up more annoyed than ever, I didn't even realize my entire family had walked into the dining room.

"FOR FUCK SAKE!" I scream in frustration

"Via what's up?" My twin asked cautiously

"Stupid business deal and the investor has taken his fucking money out of the company I don't care about the money it's the fact he doesn't have faith in the product" I tell them slowly calming down

"What product is it princess?" Dante asked

"I just opened a fashion line and everything was going well Charlotte has been involved of the designs I had great hope in it but clearly no one fucking believes in me" I sigh slowly feeling my eyes fill with tears

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