•Chapter 46

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O C T A V I A 

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O C T A V I A 

It's been 6 months since McKenzie's attack and my wound has healed up. We've spent the last six months trying to track her down and kill her once and for all.

Today was just another day of trying to track her down except Javier is taking me on a date like a normal couple usually would it's nothing to fancy just a picnic near a waterfall we found.

I was wearing a blue sundress since the weather was looking nicer today. I had a bikini on underneath it in case we go swimming in the waterfall.

While I was waiting for Javier I was thinking over my life and how much it's changed, a year ago I was still living with that abusive shit bag and now I'm back home with my family all though we've lost nana and grandpa I couldn't be happier to be where I'm suppose to be.

I felt like i belonged

The Spanish mafia are still living with us but we don't mind. All my aunts, uncles and cousins still live with us as well. It's been great, everyday has felt like a huge sleepover mixed with summer.

The past six months nothing really happened except Monte and Gracie choosing a wedding date, Nicolo got a girlfriend who is not a bitch, Matteo and Charlotte are still going strong as well as Alessio and Elijah.

Unfortunately for Marco his girlfriend was cheating on him turns out the baby wasn't even his he was heart broken but we all reassured him everything was going to be alright and that there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

Valentino is still wanting to leave to mafia but wants to become a doctor and work for the mafia here instead. Dante my dear brother Dante doesn't have a clue what he's doing with his life I know he's been talking to this girl but whether it gets anywhere we don't know.

I was snapped out my thoughts when Charlotte, Elijah and Matteo came barging into my bedroom without knocking of course.

"Have you heard of a thing called knocking" I asked sarcastically

"And why would we do that little sister" Matteo smirked

"Well what if she was having sex with Javier then your going to wish you knocked" Elijah said while laughing to which Teo just glared.

"Anyway any reason you came in here" i asked changing the topic very quickly

"Oh yeah Javier is waiting downstairs for you and I wanted to tell you that you look hot Via" Charlotte complimented

"Hey that's my sister your flirting with" Matteo laughed

"Yeah well your sisters hot" Lottie said nonchalantly

I just laughed before scurrying them out my room. I made my way downstairs where a handsome looking Javier was talking to Dante, he stopped mid sentence when he saw I was coming downstairs.

"You look lovely mi amor" he spoke 

[my love]

"You don't look to bad your self" I teased

We said goodbye to our families and left to the water fall he had already packed a picnic and put it in the car. We drove for 40 minutes his hand never leaving my thigh making a whole damn zoo appear in my stomach. When we arrived at the waterfall my eyes immediately lit up with the beauty of nature.

We walked to the waterfall hand in hand it was quite not a lot of people knew about the spot so we had it to our selves. Javier places the picnic basket down and removed his shirt while I started wide eyed at his abs like usual.

"Don't worry love it's all for you, you coming for swim" he chucked

I just nodded and now it was his turn to stare wide eyed as I took my sundress off revealing my white bikini.

"Are you done eye fucking me yet" I chucked

"No I need a little bit longer" he replied while smirking

I didn't notice the fact he had moved but he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. His lips grazed mine before I grew impatient and smashed them together.

Our tongues fighting for dominance as he clearly won. He removed his lips breathlessly.

"I love you so fucking much" he spoke lowly

I will never get tired of hearing that

"I love you so fucking much" I repeated back

"Language" he scolded playfully

"Why can you swear and I can't" I said with a pout

"Because my love, language like that should not come out of such a pretty mouth, got it baby"

I just huffed in response and i before I knew it I was lifted up my legs wrapped around his waist while he ran and jumped into the lake. The water was cold but it was nice, the weather in Italy was very nice at the moment so it was perfect for a swim.

"Are you excited for your birthday princess" he asked still not letting go of me

Shit I completely forgot about my birthday it will be the first one here with my family and I turn 18 as well as Matteo now that I think about it I am excited to celebrate it with the people I love.

"I am for once, I'm finally 18 just like you" I laughed

"What do you mean for once" he questioned

"Well with my past birthdays weren't exactly celebrated the last time I celebrated my birthday I was 3 it was just before I got taken" I told him

"I'm sorry I brought it up" he apologised

"It's fine, but I want this birthday to be the best not only am I 18 but I'm reunited with my family, have a smoken hot boyfriend and some great friends" I told him truthfully

We swam around for an hour and half before we got hungry so we got out and dried ourselves. The food was delicious whoever made it was quite the cook. We just talked and joked the whole time it was like nothing else mattered.

It was getting late and we knew we had to be home especially with McKenzie still on the loose and threatening to kill me. We packed up and began our journey home this time it was safe and nothing happened.

The estate was eerily silent when we arrived no one was around. We looked in the dining room and no one was there our next place to look was the meeting room and that's exactly where everyone was.

"Hey guys" i said cheerily

"Hey Via, hey J" my brothers greeted

"Why are you all in here, anything important" I asked

"Octavia dear guess what" my father spoke suddenly

"What is it dad" I looked at him confused

"We've located McKenzie and by the sounds of it she's not to strong at the moment so we're going to take her down tomorrow" he spoke

"Wait what this can finally be over" my boyfriend spoke

"Yes as long as we kill her tomorrow" Nicolo spoke

"Yess I can't wait but I'm killing the bitch" I spoke happily

Everyone just chucked at my antics and carried on planning for the attack tomorrow I'm not even going to help I trust their judgement to make an excellent plan. The war is finally going to be over and we can live some what normally.

Edited1264 words

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