•Chapter 23

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Wednesday came faster than i wanted, I had to deal with Rochelle's father who was now in our custody thanks to the twins. I meant what i said, his daughter disrespected me, I'm going to make her fatherless.

They don't call me a storm for nothing.

However, since it was a school day i had to persuade my dad to let me stay off school which is going to be harder than saying. 

I messed up my hair and wrapped a blanket around me, making my self look sick before walking down stairs to see my family. Upon hearing my footsteps they all looked at me immediately showing pity. 

"Sorella you look like shit" Matteo said who then got scolded for his language 


"Princess are you okay?" My father asked me worried

"No I'm sick, daddy I don't think i can go to school today" i acted innocently, quivering my lip to add affect

"That's okay treasure you can stay home and rest for today" he told me I nodded weakly.

"Are you going to be okay, everyone is busy today so the house will be empty" my grandmother said with a concerned look


"I'll be fine if i need something I'm sure i could phone one of them" i said while pointing to my brothers and cousins who are still in school. To which they just nodded.

I went back up stairs waiting until i heard them all leave about 2 hours later my dad called up saying they were leaving now and he will see me later.

T I M E  S K I P

My foot steps echoed around the warehouse as i walked in, my black storm outfit on with my mask covering my face as a sinister smile was placed on my mouth.

I met up with Elijah and Charlotte outside the cell were Mr Arbicc was currently screaming due to the pain he had already endured, thanks to my staff and best friends standing behind me.

"Hey boss" they greeted

"Good morning my lovely best friends" i greeted happily

"Why you so happy Tavia?" Lijah questioned, even though he knew the answer

"I get to torture some asshole" i replied with a sadistic smile

"Yeah before we do that, you might want to check on the babies being trained" Charlotte sighed

I looked at her in slight disappointment before walking to the training room, everyone's eyes went to me as we walked in causing them to stop as they did so.

"CARRY ON!" I yelled, no emotion in my tone anymore

"And who are you to tell us what to do" some blonde boy asked

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