•Chapter 37

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The minute Octavia said NOW everyone went. Georgio and his team went through the front shooting at every Greek guard they saw, they had no remorse.

Charlotte and Elijah also listening to their bosses orders and started shooting at the Greek scum after all their Don William did make them shoot their own parents.

Octavia led her men through the back also shooting at any one they saw.

Aldo and his team went straight for the basement trying to retrieve his nephews, he was determined. Shooting everyone in his way as he went down following the path he created from the blueprints.

Meanwhile Matteo was in the torture room with some of Williams men he was getting beaten badly. All he could think of to stop him from showing emotions was his baby sister and hoped she was okay.

The room was soundproof both inside and out you couldn't hear anything so he didn't know his family had arrived to save him and his cousins. He was slowly loosing hope but refused to show any emotions.

The triplets were huddled together in the room they were in since they arrived there, all having broken bones and bruises running down their bodies. They could hear the sounds of guns shots but were too weak to even care they just wanted to be dead at this point. They were all glad they got to see their family again and even find out they had a girl cousin who was more like a sister.

William was terrified he knew he was out numbered even with the Turkish and Russian mafia on their way to help him. He locked himself in the office and situated dozens of men outside so he was protected. He didn't know where his daughter was but didn't care.

She's probably dead he thought to himself not that he cared though he never wanted a child. Well he did but only ever with her. His one true love who wanted absolutely nothing to do with him when she met the love of her life.

Georgio was in hand to hand combat his gun had ran out of bullets he could see dozens of dead men on the floor mainly the Greek mafia.

His 2 eldest sons fighting like they were raised to do. Georgio reached into his pockets pulling out 9 cm dagger and lunged it into the mans throat, blood spluttered his face and clothes but at this point he didn't care he needed his son back.

Many of the men were dead and it was thanks to Octavia's plan.

"The ground floor front is clear" Georgio spoke into the ear piece

"The back is nearly done, start going up top" Valentino spoke out

Georgio listened to his son and made his way up the stairs where he knew William would be.

"Dad don't you dare go up them stairs yet" Octavia commanded

"Why not" he questioned confused

"He's called the Turkish and Russian to help him meaning more men are going to come stay down here and wait to fight" She commended to her father

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