•Chapter 5

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Home was always such a strange place for me, so being back at the place where i was wanted and loved is simply strange.

This is where I'm suppose to be back with my brothers and father once her returns, my only hope is them not knowing about my past but i'll pass that bridge when i come to it. 

Inside everything looked the same, the tall ceilings and modern interior was something that i could never forget, even the walls that were decorated in pictures and portraits. 

Everyone looked so happy, including mum.

I miss her.

My brothers took me inside, i followed them just viewing the house with such remembrance and love, this was always the place i was suppose to be. 

We stopped in the dining room and sat down, they immediately jumped into conversation while i thought back to the first 3 years i had living here. Sometimes I love having an eidetic memory. 


I ran around the estate looking for my older brothers with Matteo hot on my trail as we searched everywhere.

"LO, MONNY, LU, DANNY, TINO!" I screamed giggling at the end 

Matteo and I carried on running around until we found them in the games room, Valentino and Dante included.

"There you guys are we were looking all over for you" Matteo spoke as we entered the room

"Sorry bud, we thought you 2 were napping, do you want to play?" A 7 year old Monte replied.

Not only did the younger twins scream out yes so did the older twins. Dante called dips playing with Octavia while Luca wanted to play with Matteo, which caused a lot of arguments between them to which Nicolo being the oldest had to intervene "How about we play in the garden so we can all play together" And that's what they did they spent the day playing and laughing as a family.

My only wish was that i could have stayed here as i grew up but the universe had different plans, my thoughts got cut short as i heard Monte scream my name. 

"OCTAVIA! We've been calling you for the past five minutes" Monte said at first the sound of his voice raised did make me flinch but i don't think any of them noticed.

"Sorry i was just thinking, whats up?" I replied smiling slightly, ignoring my slight fear of being yelled at

"Nothing dinner is over and its getting late so Matteo is going to show you to your room so you can go to sleep is that alright principessa" Nicolo replied in stead of Monte.[princess]

"Yeah that's fine I'm tired anyway. Goodnight brothers, come on Matteo show me to my room." The rest of them said goodnight as me and Matteo walked away and towards my bedroom.

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