•Chapter 50

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*4 years later *

Life was good nothing had gone wrong since the McKenzie incident. I am however the Donna of the Greek and French mafia. I couldn't be more thankful my life may not have had the easiest start but I wouldn't change anything for the life of me.

A lot has changed in the last 4 years Gracie had a healthy baby boy they named him Alec Alfonso Bianchi and he is currently 3.

Gracie got pregnant again and is expected twins two little boys. Monte was over the moon when he found out it was twins considering he had two sets of twin siblings. Monte and Gracie also moved out but stayed close in case they needed dad.

Matteo and Charlotte and still together and she is also very pregnant also having a little boy she got caught when she was so the pill Matteo was over the moon when he found out he was going to become a dad.

They moved into the pool house behind the house so they could stay living at home but also move out. She due next month the same time as Gracie.

Nicolo finally got a girlfriend who isn't a bitch her name is Jada and she's lovely in fact they got engaged last month.

They started dating after they met at Monte's wedding she was one of Gracie's friends but they didn't mind. They also moved out together but stayed close in case anything happened with dad.

All our aunts and uncles still live and the estate but most of our cousins have moved out now and have relationships themselves.

However the De Leon's moved out they went back to Spain except Javier chose to stay in Italy with me we're still going strong but more about us in a bit.

Aunt Francesca died from a heart attack 2 years ago the whole family was devastated no one knew she had any heart problems she just went so suddenly. The boys were in hysterics for weeks I felt so bad for them.

Valentino left the mafia life and is still studying to become a doctor he is currently at university learning to become a doctor and then when he graduates he's going to move back and become the mafia doctor.

Lady's and gentleman Dante Bianchi got himself a girlfriend she is also lovely they've been dating for a year and just moved out with each other into an apartment. Her name is Tessa and she's the most down to earth girl I've ever met.

Now Luca what about him he and Zack are still together and have adopted a little boy his name Jake and he is the cutest kid I've ever met he's currently 5 and just started school. I know Luca and Zack are going to be great parents and will love Jake forever no matter what.

Now your asking about me well I just got engaged and it was the best moment of my life.


He said he was taking me on a surprise date and that I should wear a dress. I put a maroon body con dress on with black Louboutin heels.

I had my nails done the day before Charlotte's idea I got white and pink butterflies. My hair was curled and cascading down my back.

I went downstairs were I was met by my entire family they all immediately complimented me and I just shrugged it off.

Javier took my hand and led me towards the car we were taking the Audi R8 he knew how much I loved this car. We drove for 20 minutes until we arrived at a beach.

"Via do you trust me" he asked

"Of course I do J you know that" I told him

"Can i blindfold you then" he asked I hesitated before nodding

It's not like it's the first time I've been blindfolded

He blindfolded me and took my hand leading me towards somewhere, he told me to stay put while he walked away. Eventually he told me to remove the blind fold and I gasped.

He was knelt down on one knew with big letters behind him spelling out Marry me? I was stood in a heart of rose petals. I immediately started crying and said yes. I hugged him and heard clapping pulling away from the hug I was greeted with me entire family and friends as well as Javier's parents and sister.

"Congratulations little sister" my brothers all said

"Let me see the ring" Charlotte squealed

I showed her the ring and was engulfed in a hug by my best friend and was then past to Elijah who I hadn't seen for a while. He was on a cruise with Alessio celebrating their marriage.

*6 months later*

Gracie gave birth to twin boys who they called Antonio and Giovanni, they were beautiful they both looked the spitting image of Monte. Charlotte also had her baby boy who the called Rocco after Matteo's middle name.

Nicolo and Jada got married and only had a small ceremony it was absolutely beautiful. They've just jetted of on their honey moon to Aruba for 3 weeks I guarantee she will come back pregnant.

Valentino graduated with his medical degree and I'm so proud of him, he deserves everything he even met a girl while he was studying at they recently began dating her name is Kayla but we haven't met her yet he just told me about her.

Dante and Tessa are still going well he proposed to her the other day it was so sweet he's literally the most romantic person when he wants to be.

I got married our wedding was gorgeous. I would relive that day over and over again. We're leaving for our honey moon today actually we've decided to travel the world for a bit before settling down and starting a family since we're both young. That doesn't mean we can't practice making babies for now.

Over all my life may have had a ton of upside downs but I wouldn't change it for the world. I knew I could do it so what's a little bit of abuse here and there.

I'm thankful for getting the opportunity to see my family again and be generally happy for once in my life, because although the storm may have been gone for a little bit ......

It always returns

The end 🖤

Edited1113 words

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