•Chapter 36

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The hours we've been here have felt like a life time, in a short amount of time he had become worse. The beatings have become regular and his men are allowed to do whatever they want to us.

I hope our family are coming for us but more importantly i hope my sister is safe. The only thing i care about is her safety and if she got out of the school safely. The triplets are a mess especially Ace.

William will come and go, the only sound we can hear is the laboured breathing from Ace and the occasional cries with Levi persuading him our family are coming to save us.

"Ace how the fuck are you in the mafia" Luciano asked his triplet

"Bro shut the fuck up" Levi hissed

"No were in the mafia and he's crying over getting kidnapped" Luciano sneered back

"Shut the fuck up we have bigger problems" i shouted to which they just nodded their head

"And to answer you Luciano its not being kidnapped I'm scared of the dark" Ace admitted like he was ashamed

"Shit I forgot I'm sorry Ace" Luciano apologised

"Well isn't this nice" His voice came from the now open door

"Ughhh why god why?" I asked rhetorically looking up to the lord

I'm not even religious 

He stalked over to me and slapped me in the face before telling his guards something in Greek Next thing I knew I was being dragged out of the cell from the triplets and taken into a room of my own.

This one was full of torture equipment with no windows. I was thrashing around the guards arms as they where trying to tie me to a chair but I got injected with a substances that made my eyes go shut and my body go lax.


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Octavia told us the plan and how to get there. Dad told us to gear up it was happening now we were going to get our younger brother and cousins back and kill that son of a bitch once and for all.

My head was in the game, I knew exactly what I needed to do especially since i was the future don, as I was walking down the stairs when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry babe" the voice said

Kaytie but i didn't even know she was here.

"Hey beautiful I didn't know you where here" i said while looking at my girlfriend

"Yeah i didn't want to go home so thought I would come hang out with you but you weren't in your room so I came to look for you" she said with their sweet voice.

"Sorry babe but I can't hang out I have things to do" I told her apologetically

Kaytie knew about the mafia but wasn't involved her dad works for mine which is how we met. We've been dating for about 6 months when she first came to one our warehouses with her father and our relationship blossomed from there I guess.

"Wait what are you doing?" She asked confused

"My brother and cousins have been kidnapped I've got to go save them" I told her vaguely

"Fuck them, you never hang out with me I'm starting to think you don't love me Nicolo" she whined

"Fuck Kaytie you can't say that, my brother and cousins have been kidnapped and you want me to stay and hang out with you. Are you fucking crazy" i snapped

"It's true you never hang out with me you more interested in your families mafia and that whore of a sister of yours" she sneered

"Watch what the fuck you say about my siblings" Dante's voice roared to which she just gulped

"BOYS HURRY" my sisters voiced yelled

Me and Dante looked at each other nodding

"Ill deal with you later" i snapped at her

Walking downstairs my mind was clouded with thought. Why the fuck would she say that about my family especially my princess. Sighing I'll deal with this later I thought to my self.

 Sighing I'll deal with this later I thought to my self

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The Bianchi family made their way to the foyer of the estate where they said they would meet. Every single member armed and ready to end this once and for all. They all dressed in black and had a certain look in their eyes ready to kill even the grandparents.

They left the estate in black bullet proof vans and began their 3 hour journey to the warehouse William should be keeping the triplets and Matteo in also were he should be so they can kill him.

However what they didn't know is back at the Bianchi estate a certain girl was helping the chained up Mackenzie out of the basement and for freedom. They've been friends forever being the same age and cousins of course. The girls managed to escape the Bianchi residence since the men were round up with Georgio and the family.

A few hours later the family where close, this is what they were waiting for they were killing William, he was as good as dead at this point.

"Do you remember the plan" Octavia spoke in her confident yet commanding voice

"Yes ma'am" they all responded to which she just nodded.

They arrived the place was as expected full of guards which only meant one thing William was here and he had the boys downstairs a place Octavia knew far to well.

They exited the van slowly and quietly not to draw attention to them selves. Charlotte and Elijah had already set up their positions as snipers as did Zack and Kingston.

Octavia was guiding her men through the forest so they could enter discreetly and without anyone knowing. Georgio was leading his eldest sons and some men through the front. Adrian and Leonardo stayed behind with their men waiting for Octavia's signal. Aldo was in charge of retrieving the triplets and Matteo.

With everyone in place Octavia spoke confidently into the ear piece.




"NOW" her voice boomed through the ear piece.

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