•Chapter 45

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It's been a month since nana died and Nicolo became the don of the Italian mafia he's doing well. Our family has pretty much resumed normal life especially after the funeral but we all knew in this line of work but it felt different with her dying from something else.

Dad decided it would be good for us to go back to school while the older ones try to find McKenzie she hasn't done anything for the past month but I have a feeling she is up to something huge.

Currently I was sat in art which is the class i all with all my brother, the one we got kicked out of last time.

"Should we get kicked out again?" Teo asked

"Why get kicked out when we can just leave" I smirked

"Yeah I'm down but what do you want do" Valentino asked

"Let's go hang out we can get the rest of them and leave school for the day" Luca replied

We walked out the classroom with many protest from our teacher she said she was going to call dad to which we just yelled go ahead then.

We walked towards the maths corridor kicking the door down our eyes scanned the room looking for Julio, Elijah and Charlotte. When our eyes met we smirked

"Sup bitches" Matteo smirked

Charlotte jumped up and immediately kissed Matteo the whole class viewing intently.

"Come one we're leaving" Dante said announcing his present the girls stared at him with lust and he didn't even bat and eye lid.

Next we went to the science corridor and picked up Kingston he was screaming at the teacher when we arrived kicking the door down yet again.

"DETENTION KINGSTON" his teacher yelled

"King don't worry we're dipping form this place anyway" Luca said as walked into the room

We met Zack in the corridor walking towards History to pick Javier up he was just walking around not attending his classes. He kissed Luca like no tomorrow in the middle of the corridor.

We arrived at Javier's class i didn't knock yet again burst the door open walked over to him pulled him by his tie and kissed him he obviously kissed me back.

He looked dazed after that kiss cleared his throat and grabbed his bag before lifting me up and walking out the classroom not before shouting adios bitches.

We all walked through the schools halls outside into the car park, we decided to put our bags in our cars and walk around. I held Javier's hand as we walked to the park were we spent majority of the day.

We laughed and hung out like normal teenagers that was until McKenzie turned up but we weren't prepared it was an ambush.

"Well well well what do we have here" she taunted

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