•Chapter 27

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I was scared, excited, nervous, and perturbed. Today was the day I revealed my true identity as the black storm and french mafia queen. I knew i would be fine as i had Charlotte and Elijah with me but the nerves were still flowing through me.

We started our day by having breakfast as a family like yesterday before we started rushing around getting ready so we looked perfect for tonight. I could tell dad was nervous as he brought up the rules yet again.

Eye roll....

"Kids promise me you will all be good especially since the French mafia are doing their reveal of the don tonight. They will not hesitate to put a bullet through your head they're suppose to be ruthless and have ties to the black storm" he said sternly mainly looking at the twins and Matteo and I

Again I'm not suicidal

"I also want you to watch Octavia all night especially my boys this is her first mafia event and you know what other mafias could be like" he added on all the boys just nodded and said a simple si papa.

I on the other hand was trying to figure out a way i could escape my brother's eye sight tonight so i could change outfits in time for the huge reveal. I knew i had to get Charlotte and Elijah to help me with that part.

T I M E  S K I P

It had been a few hours since breakfast and I had to start getting ready. Everyone decided they wanted to come to our room so i had to kick them out. I had to look good for tonight as its my first event in person.

"Boys i love you but if you aren't staying in this room I'm kicking you out i have to start getting ready" i told them to which they all cursed under their breath and as they were leaving yelled back i love you.

I started the tedious journey that is getting myself ready for a mafia gala. I started by showering and shaving everywhere which was a task in itself I was in the shower for about an hour which resulted in my brothers yelling at me to hurry up.

After my shower i made sure i put lotion on and started to dry my hair before i could style it. While in the process of that though Matteo decided it would be a great time to start annoying me. He did however end up getting shouted at by Dante.

It took me an hour to do my hair as i couldn't decide what to do, I ended up having a pony ail inspired hair style with voluptuous curls that cascaded down my back.

For my make up I decided with a simple look since it had to go with both of my dresses, i chose a nude smokey eye with eye liner and added my usual fake lashes before applying a nude lip that matched the colour of my dress.

I finally finished hours later, so i quickly spritzed my face in setting spray before looking at the time and noticing i had 15 minutes to get my dress on and join the rest of my family down stairs so we could leave.

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