•Chapter 13

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The flashback woke me up yet again, this time without screaming. I wish the past wouldn't haunt me anymore and i could get over this and be happy with my family. 

I glanced at the clock to see it was 4 in the morning, I knew i wouldn't be sleeping again so made the executive decision to do something productive and work on my mafia. 

Since the Spanish mafia asked for the alliance i decided to accept, i still need to look into them but for now i trust them. Only because they have an alliance with my dad and his mafia.

The Greek mafia are still after us, but i recently found out that they are also after my father's mafia which is the Italian as well as the Spanish which is why i accepted their alliance.

For the next couple of hours i worked sorting out shipments and finding fights as well as races, it's been a while since i had done something. 

Around six, i showered and changed into my school uniform as well as putting on mascara. I wanted my hair in braids but couldn't do it so i took my brush down stairs. 

It was pretty quiet down there since the boys haven't woken up properly, my uncles, aunts and grandparents were the only ones down there, all having coffee in their hands.

"Morning baby, how are you" my grandmother asked

i yawned and laughed slightly walking over to them "I'm good, but can one of you braid my hair" i asked sheepishly

"Sure, come over here Via" My aunt Francesca spoke, moving into the dining room

I walked over and gave her my brush and sat down, she began doing my hair as the boys started waking up. They started shouting and tumbling down the stairs. 

 The boys ran into the kitchen just as my hair was being done, they were pushing and shoving trying to come to the food first causing me to laugh at their antics. 

T I M E  S K I P

School started in an hour and with most of us going to school we knew we couldn't take the same car, we walked through the garage on cars eyeing them up. 

That was until i got to the bikes, my brothers had a fine collection of cars but bikes were so much better, i stood gaping at a Kawasaki Ninja H2R when Maximo walked over to me. 

"Think you can handle it Via" he asked smirking 

I knew Max was a great a street racing, he was my father's best especially within the mafia. However, he had nothing on the black storm, im undefeated. 

"It's on" I smirked back 

My brothers looked at me like i was crazy as i got on the bike with Max getting on another one, I just smirked and nodded at Max who gave me a thumbs up and then we were off.

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