•Chapter 25

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My hands tightened around my throat as i woke up gasping, the nightmare replying in my head as i convinced my self it wasn't real except it was. That was a time in my life i tried to forget but i can't.

I looked around noticing i was in my bedroom now meaning my brothers weren't witnessing my breakdown. I replayed it again in my mind, all the dots started to connected. 

Joan was right!

The flashback, was telling me the answer i needed. Although i didn't want to relieve these memories i had to, maybe this would be the key to unlocking the truth. I had to tell Charlotte and Elijah.

Sooner rather than later.

I glanced at the clock to see it was 6:30, so i went about my morning routine. I started by jumping in the shower and washing my hair before drying and straightening it for the day.

I slipped my uniform on and added concealer under my eyes to hide the bags that were there from the lack of sleep i had. I added a clip in my hair to get the most of my hair out of my face.

At 7:15 i entered the dining room and greeted the people who were up and good morning before adding bacon and eggs to my plate. I started eating as the boys started flowing in. Once everyone was there dad cleared his throat gaining our attention.

"We leave for Russia in 3 days, have you all outfits ready?" He asked

"Yes" my brothers say in unison

"Octavia what about you" My grandmother asked looking at me with pointed eyes

"Not yet but I'm going shopping with Charlotte and Elijah after school" i told them

T I M E  S K I P

We raced our cousins to school today just like most mornings, we won this time which was shocking considering Matteo was driving. Our older brothers are finally letting him drive.

Pray for my safety.

I walked over to my friends who i hadn't see since Tuesday and it was now Friday, it guess this is what happens when I'm busy and miss a few days to help dad out with his mafia work.

"Tavia we missed you never leave us with your brothers again" they said at the same time

"I'm sorry but I'm back now and I'm not going a way where" i promised them

"I think someone missed you a little bit more" teased Julio

"Oh and who may that someone be" i acted like i didn't know

"Does the name Javier Angelo De Leon mean anything to you" Zack asked in a fake British accent

"Hmm let me think" i said while my hand was on my chin in a thinking moment

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