•Chapter 26

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A few days had gone by since our sleepover and I told the twins about the flashback i had about Kenzie. We all agreed to never talk to her again but we also need to find out if she's working alone or with people.

The mafia gala was in a few days so everyone was running around trying to make the final preparations for the event. Grandpa and dad were barking out orders to anyone who would listen. We were leaving today.

Even i was nervous for those who didn't listen.

I was currently finishing packing my bags with everything i needed, obviously Elijah and Charlotte couldn't come since their not suppose to know about the mafia so they're taking my private jet with my other dress and everything we will need for our grand reveal.

I had just finished packing my bag and put on Matteo's jumper when dad called us downstairs so he could have a final chat and give us our last warning. I slugged in and sat with Monte cuddled up to his side while the boys joined us.

"Children i know some of you have been to galas before but we need you on your best behaviour" Dad spoke as he walked in with the other adults following close behind

"Octavia sweetie this is you first event to do with the mafia i need you to be good and always stick with one of your brothers no straying away from them. That rule goes for Ares, Apollo and Matteo as well since your all 17 still" he spoke with authority in his voice

"There is also one other thing" Uncle Leo said nervously

"What is it dad?" Marco asked

"Your Uncle Adriano will be there with his children" Uncle Aldo added on

"I have more cousins and another uncle" i asked confused looking at dad, now fully awake

"Yes its our other brother and is your uncle Leo's twin" dad said

"I don't get it why are you nervous to see him" again asking confused

"Princess we haven't seen him in a very long time, he doesn't even know about you because you were taken the last time we seen him and we didn't want to hurt him anymore"my grandpa continued

"Oh okay then let me guess he only has sons as well" i asked already knowing the answer

"Yeah he has 3 or 4 sons" my grandmother replied

Of course

T I M E  S K I P

We had been on the jet for an hour or so now, everyone was sat doing their own thing. I was bored and started thinking about what my dad said, I had another uncles and more cousins who i had never met before.

"Tell me about uncle Adriano and his sons" i asked the boys

"There isn't much to know he lives in Sicily with his wife Penelope she use to be an assassin and they met through the underground. They have 4 sons Ace, Levi, Alessandro and Luciano i can't remember how old they are though i know that Alessandro is the eldest then Luciano, Levi and Ace who are triplets" Luca told me to which i just nodded.

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