•Chapter 34

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I woke up the next morning the same way I do every morning next to Javier except this time his head was between my thighs. I moaned slightly causing him to stop.

"Good morning princess" He spoke before going back to eating me out

His tongue worked wonders and was a great thing to be woken up to, I moaned again but slightly louder before remembering my family where in the house and these walls weren't soundproof like the ones at home.

He continued to eat me out, I clenched and soon came to my high with a moan. I was breathless while he came back up and whipped his mouth before kissing me.

"What a way to be woken up" I smiled

"Yeah, your one lucky girl" He smiled kissing me again before going to get changed

I sighed contently before getting out of my bed and changing. I rushed my hair into a messy bun and changed into grey sweatpants and one of Javier's hoodies to hid the fading hickey's i still had.


The chatter filled my ears as I walked into the dining room, breakfast was spread out on the table as i walked over sitting next to Javier who had came down prior to me. He smiled at me as my dad cleared his throat.

"We need a plan to get rid of them and fast" he spoke loudly

"Any idea's" my grandfather asked

"Just kill them" Ares said cluelessly while we all just looked at him weirdly

"Ares it doesn't work like that" Levi said while laughing

"I have an idea" i announced causing everyone to look at me

"We set a trap for Esmeralda killing her first she will be the easiest since she's the dumbest, we do the same for McKenzie but i will kill her since she caused my life hell but for William we need to be a lot smarter he's smarter than he lets on" I told them

"You can kill McKenzie but let me kill Esmeralda she's been nothing but a bitch" Dante seethed to which everyone agreed

"But who kills William because he only has one heir and she will be dead so whoever kills him will get the Greek mafia" Ace said which caused everyone to look at him

"Anyone can and then we can decided what to do with it since we own a lot of mafias as it is" my grandfather said

"So when do we do it" Javier asked

"We kill Esmeralda tonight she suppose to be at bar which i happen to own" i said

"What do you mean you own bars?" Apollo asked

"Apollo you know who she is the black storm and everyone knows the black storms owns the restaurants and hotels called Storm" Luciano stated simply

"Oh yeah" he smiled sheepishly while scratching his neck

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