•Chapter 38

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The war was finally over, William was finally dead so was his bitch of a wife and his daughter was rotting away in the basement. I could finally breath happy knowing that my life could go to some what normality.

We were currently on our way back home to the hospital wing of the estate to get our injuries fixed. I was worried Matteo hasn't moved since we've taken he's still out cold, I tried everything.

Everyone has some sort of injury except me I managed to stay safe except a few scratches. Most people worrying about that triplets and Matteo, after all they did endure the most pain.

The ride home was agonising tension filled silence was radiating around the car, no one dared to say a thing. The hours felt like years until we saw the familiar gates of the estate.

Wasting no time we dove out the car and ran straight towards the hospital wing. I refused to let any one carry Matteo except me it's all my fault he's in this situation in the first place.

The doctor was alert especially as the whole family came running in.

"SAVE MY BROTHER" I screamed at him he was scared but I didn't care I needed my twin safe.

He took him out my arms and carried him off to a room to save him. Ace, Levi and Luciano all got taken with another doctor to get their injuries fixed.

The rest of my brothers and cousin who had been hurt also went to get fixed but didn't take as long since it was only minor injuries.

Once the boys has been fixed medically they came and sat with us while we waited for any news on the triplets and Matteo.

Everyone was silent not saying a thing we all had the same thoughts running through your head.

"Where's grandpa" Ares questioned breaking the silence

That's went it hit me we haven't seen him since the fight. What if he's dead and it would be my fault? What if Matteo doesn't make it? The triplets are going to have PTSD especially Ace and it's all my fault.

Everything is my fault

"We haven't seen him since the warehouse" Marco replied

"Did he come out to you guys?" Javier asked while looking at his mother and my aunties

"No only the triplets came out" Mrs De Leon replied to her son

"I can't stay here, I'm going to check at the warehouse in case we left him there" I spoke my voice flat of emotion

"I'm coming with you" my boyfriend spoke to which I smiled solemnly.

He took my hand and we walked out to the car park we decided to take his car the Audi R8 in white.

T I M E  S K I P

The drive was silent we were thinking the same thing. The only thing that could be heard was the slight humming on the radio and out breathing. Javier was speeding meaning we arrived quicker than expected.

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